Hi Folks, <div><br></div><div> I have just had a conversation with Kai-Uwe, it appears that the general release CUPS is now capable of doing profile conversions and so, basically if one sets up a print queue properly and writes a profile name into the PPD then conversion to that profile should happen. If by some miracle CUPS treats untagged images as sRGB, then basically it should be possible to print files from *ANY * app correctly if one manages to get the current printer profiled and the profile name into the active PPD and doesn't mess up media settings between prints.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Training users to set up a new print queue for each media type and leave the settings alone after printing would mean they would have a nice color-managed system, at least printer-side, provided the profile were shoehorned in.</div>
<div><br></div><div>And of course if Gutenprint knew how to install specific purpose printer queues for certain printer/media combos, and supplied profiles, then color would be very good out of the box with those specific media.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Is the above fact or fiction? How should it be done on what existing distributions?</div><div><br></div><div>Edmund</div>