[packagekit] yum get-updates

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Sun Oct 14 10:20:51 PDT 2007


[hughsie at hughsie-laptop src]$ /usr/share/PackageKit/helpers/yum/get-updates.py 
percentage      0
package normal  mencoder;1.0-0.86.rc2.lvn8;i386;livna-development       MPlayer movie encoder
package normal  mplayer-gui;1.0-0.86.rc2.lvn8;i386;livna-development    GUI for MPlayer

If get_updates is not providing percentage updates, can the methods
please emit "no-percentage-updates" - and then the UI can spin up and
down rather than sitting at 0%. I think other methods and backends are
guilty of this as well. I'm not sure if get_updates can be modified to
get the progress, or if it has to spin.



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