[packagekit] pkcon and familiarity

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Sun Apr 13 15:41:21 PDT 2008

On Mon, 2008-04-14 at 01:52 +0530, Rahul Sundaram wrote: 
> * yum shell is very useful. I would like to see a pkcon equivalent.

What's the point in yum shell - AFAICT, it just saves you typing pkcon
in front of every transaction.

> * update-system can be dropped. update without a additional parameter 
> should update everything.

I've already done that in git.

> * install-file can be dropped. install should just look for both 
> packages and if that fails files and then do the right thing. Yum does 
> this already.

You mean look to see if the file exists, and then packages? Im not sure
it works the other way round. I've added this to git.

> * search without a additional parameter should search through the name, 
> details, description etc and more parameters can be used to narrow the 
> search as it currently is.

pkcon search hal-info
pkcon search details power
pkcon search file /usr/bin/powertop

> * Not sure what resolve does but should be either list or resolvedep in yum

Nahh, it's an internal function. We can probably remove that.

> * get description is called info in yum

It's a description in pkcon - info seems too vague.

> * get repos is called repolist

Yup, that's a sane change - what about "repo-list" - that seems more

> * get groups is equivalent to grouplist. yum also supports groupinfo, 
> groupinstall and groupremove.

We don't support installing or removing groups yet.

> * get depends is equivalent to deplist

Why not just "get-depends"

> * get updates is equivalent to check-update

Nope, it's not. check-update refreshes the data and returns the list -
get updates just gets the list.

> * get requires is equivalent to provides?

Nope, different functionality.

> * yum supports list. list installed, list available, list extras.

We've got GetPackages for that, so we could add it.

> * In yum, enablerepo and disablerepo are for the current session while 
> in pkcon it is permanently. This is one place where the similarity 
> causes confusion.

Nope, this has to be system wide due to the design of packagekit.

> I probably haven't covered everything here but this should give you a 
> better idea atleast.

Yes, thanks. This is what I've done in git:

  search [name|details|group|file] [data]
  install [package|file]
  remove [package]
  update <package>
  resolve [package]
  get-depends [package]
  get-requires [package]
  get-description [package]
  get-files [package]
  get-update-detail [package]
  repo-enable [repo_id]
  repo-disable [repo_id]
  repo-set-data [repo_id] [parameter] [value];
  what-provides [search]

I think that's more sane than what we had.


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