[packagekit] Simpler search

Patryk Zawadzki patrys at pld-linux.org
Wed Feb 13 11:28:41 PST 2008

On Feb 13, 2008 8:24 PM, Richard Hughes <hughsient at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-02-13 at 14:11 -0500, Robin Norwood wrote:
> > What do you think about combining the name/description search options
> > in the pk-application UI?  It seems unlikely that the user really cares
> > whether the term he is searching for matches the name or the
> > description.  Can we combine those two options, or have a default
> > search option that searches by name, then description?
> Well, I don't think we should combine the search in the backend (i.e. 2
> methods into 1) as some clients may just want a simple search and not
> want the extended search as it may require downloading metadata.
> It might be a good idea to default to a "both" search option in the UI
> that does a simple search then a detailed search on the same query.

>From a usability POV these should really be one. If for searching in
descriptions is insanely slow, then backend foo is free to only search
in package names. Not that anyone would want their UI to freeze for
several minutes just because default is to search in both (so exposing
this in UI only makes the problem worse).

Patryk Zawadzki
PLD Linux Distribution

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