[packagekit] Status of the APT backend

Justin Haygood jhaygood at reaktix.com
Fri Feb 22 08:02:43 PST 2008

>Sure. I was thinking about the one-click install problem last night. I
>think we need a way to trigger a package install (from the native
>package repos) from a URL. Obviously we would need the prompt, and
>another PolicyKit role with suitable warnings. I was thinking of
>something like:

We could use the proposed One-Click Install standard for implementing this in a distribution agnostic way. The user clicks a link to a One-Click Install metadata file (really just XML).

This XML file provides:

 * Repositories
 * Summary in multiple languages
 * Multiple distributions in one file
 * List of packages (also supports patterns as well)


openSUSE 10.3 currently provides a sample implementation, but its designed to be cross-distribution and is thus not SUSE-specific.
Justin Haygood
jhaygood at reaktix.com
Reaktix. Reality Redefined.

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