[packagekit] gpk-application ui review

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Fri Jun 6 08:39:57 PDT 2008

On Thu, 2008-06-05 at 13:04 -0400, Matthias Clasen wrote:
> Here is a list of annoyances with the latest gpk-application UI that I
> already told Richard on irc:
> - Why a toolbar ? If we need to have a toolbar, we have to do better:


> - We lost the "Quit" when the menu was turned into a toolbar

I think the HIG says to not have a Quit button...

> - What is the 'list' that Add to list, Clear list and Show list refer to ?

It's a first cut at multiple installs and removes. It's clearly
non-optimal as even _I_ forget to click add before remove sometimes. I
wanted to shy away from an "Apply" button - do you think this is best?

> - "Software sources" is not really an action that one would expect to
> see on a toolbar...


> - The icons in the package list now serve a dual role, by showing both
> the current status (installed/uninstalled) and the action that a
> package is marked for (install/remove). I think we need at least a
> tooltip on the icon to make this clear ("This package is marked for
> removal").

Good idea.

> - The horzontal layout makes it impossible to resize the details part
> to make the file list not wrap in ugly ways

I'm thinking to make the treeview item expand vertically like this:


     [      ]  GNOME Power Manaeger
[X]  [ icon ]
     [      ]  package: gnome-power-manager-2.2.20.i386

and then have when clicked:

     [      ]  GNOME Power Manaeger
[X]  [ icon ]
     [      ]  package: gnome-power-manager-2.2.20.i386

               This is a power manager for the GNOME desktop
               it features advanced cool shit and is the best
               program on the planet.

               Size: 130.3Mb

               [Home page] [Required by] [Depends on] [File list]

and then when unclicked, it goes back to the former. Idea?

> - The temporary half-width statusbar is unusual. I don't like it...

Hmm, it's just something entertaining to watch when yum is downloading
essentially random data. I'll have a rethink.


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