[packagekit] Fine grained groups

Tim Lauridsen tim.lauridsen at googlemail.com
Thu May 8 00:52:53 PDT 2008

Richard Hughes wrote:
> For 0.2.2, in line with the roadmap[1] we need extended groups support.
> The current PK architecture allows for fairly course groups, for
> instance, System, GNOME and Games. This is less than ideal when you want
> to install the "compiz support" group or the "French language" native
> backend groups.
> It makes little sense to show the user 200 groups to choose from - but
> we do need to be able to interact with these collections of software,
> for instance, installing the "French language" collection.
> I propose two new methods:
> SearchCollections(package_id)
> Collection(s=collection_enum, b=installed)
> InstallCollection(collection_enum)
> <does the install of all the sub-packages>
> The first would allow to discover what collections a package belongs to,
> and the second would allow the user to install the whole group. This
> would allow somebody to right click on a package in gpk-application and
> a menu would appear. This could be clicked on to install the appropriate
> collection.
> Note: the collections are enumerated types and so can be translated like
> we do the group enums. In this way we can also give them icons.

We have to turn it around and look at how the user will what it to be.


The user what to install 'Danish Language" support.
* The user select the group view.
* The user select the Language category (A Category is used to order the 
actual groups)
* The user select the 'Danish support' group and can now see the 
packages included in the group and the state of packages (installed, 
available etc)
* The user select the 'Danish support' and packages is added to the 
current transaction.
* The user might what to select some other packages too.
* The user selects to process the transaction and the selected packages 
get installed.

The user whats to install some games.
* the user select the group view
* the user select the 'Application' category
* the user select the 'Games and Entertainment' group to see what 
packages it contains.
* the user look trough the games and select the ones the wants.
* The user selects to process the transaction and the selected packages 
get installed.

The user whats to remove the KDE desktop. (just an example, no need to 
FLAME :) )
* the user select the group view
* the user select the 'Desktop Environtment' category
* the user select the 'KDE' group to see what packages it contains.
* the user unselects the group and the packages gets added to the 
transaction for removal.
* The user selects to process the transaction and the packages in the 
group get removed.

Some facts about the group metadata we have in Fedora (Yum).

A list of categories.
Each category has a list of groups included.

A list of groups.
Each group has a list of package names and package types included.

a package can have one of 4 states.

mandatory: the package is always need by the group.
default: the package is need by the group.
optional: the package is optional by the group.
conditional: the package is conditioned be another package is installed 
  by the group. Ex. hunspell-da is only added to group if hunspell is 

if a group is installed the mandatory,default and the conditional 
packages there fulfills the condition is installed.

if a group is removed the mandatory,default and the conditional packages 
there fulfills the condition is removed.

Each group has a name and description translated i local languages


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