<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:Courier New,courier,monaco,monospace,sans-serif;font-size:10pt;color:#000000;"><div>Hi all,<br>KPackageKit just got released, 0.3.1<br>as the 0.3 stands for being compatible<br>with packagekit 0.3. and the .1 is that<br>it's now possible to install files and<br>a bug in the updater ui was fixed :)<br><br>BTW the good news it that i just put it into:<br><br>http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/sysadmin/kpackagekit/<br><br>We also got a new contributor that already<br>made some changes but i didn't got time to<br>look at. Welcome aboard Trever :)<br><br>so hopefully it'll enter kde4.2.<br><br>QPackageKit is at 0.3.1 too. which is<br> a coincidence :P<br><br>Thanks to all who made this possible TM<br>Daniel.<br></div></div><br>
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