[Piglit] [V2 PATCH 09/12] piglit-summary.py: print number of fixes and regressions

Dylan Baker baker.dylan.c at gmail.com
Fri Jun 28 06:49:26 PDT 2013

This information is actually quite useful. It should be noted the
limitation of the text syntax, in that this is the fixes and regressions
(and even changes) from the second to last to last provided json file.
 framework/summary.py | 22 ++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/framework/summary.py b/framework/summary.py
index 7686b0e..305f5eb 100644
--- a/framework/summary.py
+++ b/framework/summary.py
@@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ class NewSummary:
         # If there are more than one set of results we need to find changes
         if len(self.results) > 1:
-            self.__generate_lists(['changes'])
+            self.__generate_lists(['changes', 'fixes', 'regressions'])
         # Print the name of the test and the status from each test run
         if not summary:
@@ -832,21 +832,23 @@ class NewSummary:
                 for test in self.tests['changes']:
                     print "%(test)s: %(statuses)s" % {'test': test, 'statuses':
                     ' '.join([i.tests.get(test, {'result': 'skip'})['result']
-                        for i in self.results])}
+                             for i in self.results])}
                 for test in self.tests['all']:
                     print "%(test)s: %(statuses)s" % {'test': test, 'statuses':
                     ' '.join([i.tests.get(test, {'result': 'skip'})['result']
-                        for i in self.results])}
+                             for i in self.results])}
         # Print the summary
         print "summary:"
-        print "   pass: %d" % self.totals['pass']
-        print "   fail: %d" % self.totals['fail']
-        print "  crash: %d" % self.totals['crash']
-        print "   skip: %d" % self.totals['skip']
-        print "   warn: %d" % self.totals['warn']
+        print "       pass: %d" % self.totals['pass']
+        print "       fail: %d" % self.totals['fail']
+        print "      crash: %d" % self.totals['crash']
+        print "       skip: %d" % self.totals['skip']
+        print "       warn: %d" % self.totals['warn']
         if self.tests['changes']:
-            print "changes: %d" % len(self.tests['changes'])
+            print "    changes: %d" % len(self.tests['changes'])
+            print "      fixes: %d" % len(self.tests['fixes'])
+            print "regressions: %d" % len(self.tests['regressions'])
-        print "  total: %d" % sum(self.totals.values())
+        print "      total: %d" % sum(self.totals.values())

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