[Piglit] [PATCH] arb_separate_shader_objects: test mixed explicit and non-explicit locations

Gregory Hainaut gregory.hainaut at gmail.com
Thu Nov 19 05:21:14 PST 2015

Hello Timothy,

> There seems to be 3 separate issues so I think we should have a separate tests
> (or at least cleary labebled subtests) for each of them.

In this case, I propose that we keep your new test. It has a better
coverage than mine. Beside it will make my first test easier.

> I also think you will need to rework your test a bit because with my fixes for
> outputs it will max out the varying limits, this is consistent with the issue
> you were having on the Nvidia blob.
Ok I will remove it.

Note: as far as I understand, spec allow to optimize the interface of
a multiple-stage separated program. Extract from issue 8a and 8b of
the spec. So both implementations were valid.
"We allow the linker to perform internal optimizations on the
        interfaces between stages of a multi-stage program object."

Best regards,

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