[Pixman] [PATCH 06/12] vmx: implement fast path vmx_composite_over_n_8888_8888_ca

Pekka Paalanen ppaalanen at gmail.com
Wed Jul 15 06:06:14 PDT 2015

On Wed, 15 Jul 2015 15:41:19 +0300
Oded Gabbay <oded.gabbay at gmail.com> wrote:

> >> > Or if we don't care about that, why?
> >> I think that the speedups in this specific patch are more substantial
> >> than the slowdowns. If it was the other way around, than I would have
> >> removed this patch, like I did with another patch, which Siarhei
> >> rejected because of it.
> >
> > But in theory, you should not get any slowdowns, right? Or did you
> > actually expect that some things will slow down?
> I'm not so sure I won't get any slowdowns. I guess it depends on the
> size of the image and the amount of alignment that needs to be done
> for that image
> e.g. if we have many small images, and for each image we need to do
> unaligned operations first to make sure we are 16-bytes aligned, then
> the unaligned operations may take more cycles then the cycles that are
> saved from doing the vmx operations. There could be extreme cases,
> where there is one vmx operation on aligned data and all the rest of
> the operations are unaligned. Now, in the C implementation, you don't
> care about unalignment, so you always work in 4 byte quanitites.
> Does that make sense ?

Yeah, this kind of speculation is what I'm after. A plausible and
acceptable reason why some things may slow down.

I suppose I'm too new here to understand that without pointing it out.

However, I think lowlevel-blt-bench's tests should be hitting some of
those ugly tiny image cases, yet even the worst case there has +22%
performance. Of course, it's possible that Cairo benchmarks happen to
hit the ugly tiny images consistently badly, while llbb aims to cover
all kinds of alignment equally.

It's all up to judgement, but I think one does need to at least ask the
question "This is slightly odd... is something actually wrong?"

I and Ben definitely did find something very strange about the
Raspberry Pi 1 CPU.


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