[Pixman] Optimize Graphic Routines for s390x in Pixman - Queries

Naveen Naidu naveennaidu479 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 25 12:56:49 UTC 2020

Hello Everyone,

I am Naveen a Senior Year Computer Science Undergraduate from India. I am
planning to apply for *Open Mainframe Project Internship*(
https://github.com/openmainframeproject-internship/resources) program,
whose one of the proposed project is to *Optimize graphics routines for
s390x in pixman*

The description of the project is as follows:

*With the introduction of VirtIO GPU hardware (virtual graphic adapter for
> KVM-based virtual machines) for the s390x platform it makes sense to
> provide optimized routines in the pixman library also for the s390x
> architecture. *

>From what I gather from the description, t s390x has support for vector
instruction i.e SIMD instructions and since these instructions quicken the
processing, the project asks us to write an implementation of pixman that
uses the vector instructions for s390x.

I have also been going through the *Implementation for Power VMX SIMD*,
which was created to use the Vector instructions for Power PC. But I must
confess that I am a little lost.

It would be really kind of you all if you could guide me in what I would
need to learn/do in order for me to be able to implement the project. I've
had a course on computer graphics in our undergrad so I do understand the
fundamentals. But I would really like to know the right way of steps to do
the project so that I can get a better understanding of the project.

Thank you very much for your time,
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