Hi all,<br><br>I have observed few issues with the rendercheck utility (from X) with the "triangles" use case<br>for operators src, clear, In , out.<br><br>Using a simple usecase: (with "Src" render operator)<br>
./rendercheck -f r8g8b8 (or a8r8g8b8) -t triangles -o Src --minimalrendering.<br><br>I am not an expert here, but what I know is, that this test case basically composites 2 triangles (red in color)<br>on a white background and then reads back the value for crosschecking. The test gets the desired red values<br>
inside the triangles but outside the triangles it gets black (should be white, as the background window is white). <br><br>Debugging into the pixman library, I noticed the pixman_composite_trapezoids().<br>In that, the get_trap_extents() (newly added) is setting the box region (x1, x2, y1, y2) to the whole "dest" width & height, <br>
as opposed to setting only the region of interest (trapezoids). This is mainly because of the zero_src_has_no_effect[] array, <br>making the function to set these values.<br>This causes the the background to go black with a red block (trapezoids) on top. (as observed on display)<br>
<br>Is this a bug with the way rendercheck (or X) is using the new pixman or the bug is in pixman itself?<br>This issue was not observed with the previous versions.<br><br>I am not at all sure here. Help appreciated!<br>