cflags problem

Enrico Weigelt weigelt at
Wed Oct 26 01:21:23 PDT 2005

* ac <nyvsld at> schrieb:


> yah, i installed libXrender, renderext, libXft at /usr/local,

aehm, why that ?!

> but libXrender failed building , and i can see things like
> `-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/X11R6/include' in the command line.

what errors exactly ?


> i still think software packager( user of pkg-config ) should use
> `-isystem' instead of `-I'
> for `-isystem' will be processed after `-I' and before standard dirs
> and wont `does nothing' if dir is a system standard dir.

system pathes should never by touched by individual packages. 
that's why -I/usr/include should *never* occour in any package.

those things are left to the toolchain.

 Enrico Weigelt    ==   metux IT service

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