Plymouth progress patch

Charlie Brej plymouth at
Mon Oct 20 07:47:04 PDT 2008

Two things

1: I have committed a patch to get the progress to retain between splash 
plugins. Attached is the second half of the patch which I wanted you to 
OK before I commit. It changes the boot-duration to contain the arrival 
times (as a percentage of the whole boot time) of the messages during 
the previous boot.

0.381:Applying Intel CPU microcode update:                 [  OK  ]
0.408:ip6tables: Applying firewall rules:                  [  OK  ]
0.438:iptables: Applying firewall rules:                   [  OK  ]
0.502:Bringing up loopback interface:                      [  OK  ]
0.578:Starting auditd:                                     [  OK  ]
0.618:Starting restorecond:                                [  OK  ]
0.763:Starting setroubleshootd:                            [  OK  ]
0.810:Starting sshd:                                       [  OK  ]

This would allow the live CD version to come with such a file and the 
progress would calibrate itself to the boot speed of the current 
machine. I also made the progress smooth to remove any backward steps 
and slowdowns. shows the time in seconds vs 
the progress reported % of several boots.

2: I was going to propose indirecting the control plugins from rather 
than directly drawing to the shadow framebuffer, to draw to images. This 
would allow a level of flexibility by allowing text to be placed with 
opacity, rotated, etc. Additionally, I have most of a fixed font control 
plugin in place to allow text before pango is loaded.

Dr Charles Brej, Research Associate, APT Group
IT412, IT Building, School of Computer Science
University of Manchester, Manchester,  M13 9PL
Web: Tel: +44 (0)161 275 7274

-------------- next part --------------
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