[SPAM:1.4] Re: Plymouth progress patch

Charlie Brej plymouth at brej.org
Wed Oct 22 14:10:36 PDT 2008

I will make those changes and commit that patch. I was hoping to do it by now 
but it may have to wait till the weekend. I will just base it off the update 
calls which will make it simpler. There are a few more things I wanted to put in 
before Fedora 10.

1: I showed the current setup to a few experienced users and they all expected 
space or return to show the messages in a window in graphical mode (like on 
rhgb). This is why I wanted to get the text rendering stuff.

2: Reduce the show-splash delay as on solar theme this stands at 0.3 secs which 
adds to the boot time (similar for spinfinity). This can be done by, instead of 
loading the images during the show-splash call, doing the setup (which does the 
loads) on the first timeout call.

3: Add some kind of simple fedora logo graphic into the text mode splash.

Which seem ok? I'd prefer a lot of testing time so when is the freeze? Unless 
something comes up I should have all of those done by Monday which hopefully 
should give ample time to find any bugs. But if the freeze is very soon then 
these can easily wait.

Dr Charles Brej, Research Associate, APT Group
IT412, IT Building, School of Computer Science
University of Manchester, Manchester,  M13 9PL
Web: http://brej.org/ Tel: +44 (0)161 275 7274

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