Keyboard input / init + questions

Jerome Martin tramjoe.merin at
Sat Sep 25 04:52:39 PDT 2010

Just a quick note, setting the KBD handler again in the refresh hook does
not work either, although something along those lines miht be a solution if
setting the keyboard handler actually overrode the handler set in place by
init. Actually the single-runlevel workaround is not that trivial, because
even in single mode, init does reset the kbd handlers after rcS completes.
The only (ugly) solution for now is a neverending script at the end of rcS.d

On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 12:50 PM, Jerome Martin <tramjoe.merin at>wrote:

> Hello list,
> I am using plymouth for a project of mine. Basically, using the script
> modules, I have done a theme that among other things displays boot logs in a
> pager, and also can display an help screen. When testing, everything works
> fine. I can scroll up or down in my pager with the keys 'u' and 'd' and
> toggle my help screen with the keypress 'h'.
> However, during an actual boot sequence, it seems that my keyboard input
> hook does not get any keypress anymore after init switches runlevels. I
> tried various ways to debug this, but it really seems to happen in init
> itself. Pausing at the begin and end of /etc/init.d/rc proves that
> everything still works just before the script exits after rcS.d scripts have
> been run, and are already gone sour before rc executes the rc2.d scripts.
> I have tried disabling every getty in runlevel 2 from inittab, but this
> does not help.
> I am resorting to use only a single runlevel for my project (not a big
> deal, it is an embedded OS with only a read-only live filesystem) in order
> to circumvent this, but it would be nice if someone more used to plymouth
> code could take a look at this. The problem is reproductible with debian
> squeeze packages. If you need more details, please just ask.
> I also have a couple of questions regarding plymouth features:
> - Is there a way to check the keypress callback function argument for
> non-string keys like arrows ? When trying to get their value, I always get
> errors that seem to indicate the contents are not string, but I do not have
> any other type/predefs values to check them against.
> - Is there a way to call up an external binary from plymouth, like a
> system() function ? If not, I guess this would not be much to add, I can do
> it if you give me a proper pointer in your code (hints on the proper parse
> token to use, etc.).
> - I desperately miss a couple of possibilities regarding strings, like
> determining a string length, and addressing strings as lists (a="foobar";
> c=a[2]), thus making it possible to do strings transformations, iterate on
> strings, etc. Did I miss something ? Would that be hard to implement ?
> - Last, but related to the previous, I currently keep an index on lists I
> create to knopw their length before iterating on them, but it would be nice
> to have a mylist.Len() method.
> Can any of the two previous points be done with a "list | []" method of
> sorts ?
> Best Regards,
> --
> Jérôme Martin

Jérôme Martin
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