Keyboard input / init + questions

Ray Strode halfline at
Mon Sep 27 09:28:26 PDT 2010


On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 11:54 AM, Jerome Martin
<jxm at> wrote:
> Mmmhh. I am not familiar with these options so I blindly copied them, but it
> does not work. Only the kernel logs in dmesg, and same as before /dev/vcs1.
> Here is my full commandline (tried both with and without plymouth:debug as I
> suspect it might be redundant with plymouth.debug= ). An echo in /dev/kmsg
> does show up in dmesg ok. I also tried moving the options on the line, still
> no cigar.
Oh sorry about the confusion.  plymouth:debug and plymouth.debug are the same.

The former is what we use in 0.8.3 and earlier, the latter is the "new
format".  I changed it to match closer with the kernel and other
things that touch kernel command line.
It just automatically turns ":" into "." before processing options.
If you don't specify an argument to plymouth debug it defaults to
/var/log/plymouth-debug.log.  So you don't need or want both entries,
just the one with the file: argument.

I think i know why you aren't getting a log file.  I just realized you
probably aren't ever "quitting" plymouthd since you're using it for
your menu thing.  The log file isn't written out until exit time.

If you could run "plymouth quit" (as root) then it should dump things
to dmesg afterward.


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