[Pm-utils] Historical releases tagged in the git repo

Victor Lowther victor.lowther at gmail.com
Sat Mar 22 16:26:32 PDT 2008

I went back and tagged the 0.99 releases in the git repo (or, at least
what the log showed as a release based on the contents of configure.in).

There has been an awesome amount of change since 0.99.4:

 .cvsignore                                  |   25 --
 .gitignore                                  |   36 ++
 AUTHORS                                     |    2 +
 ChangeLog                                   |  552 ---------------------------
 Makefile.am                                 |   22 +-
 README                                      |   39 ++-
 autogen.sh                                  |   98 +-----
 configure.in => configure.ac                |    4 +-
 man/.cvsignore                              |    3 -
 man/.gitignore                              |    4 +
 man/on_ac_power.1                           |   39 --
 man/on_ac_power.sgml                        |    8 -
 man/pm-pmu.1                                |   48 ---
 man/pm-pmu.sgml                             |    2 +-
 pm-utils.pc.in                              |   11 +
 pm/.cvsignore                               |    2 -
 pm/.gitignore                               |    1 +
 pm/HOWTO.hooks                              |   73 ++++
 pm/HOWTO.modules                            |   68 ++++
 pm/Makefile.am                              |   30 ++-
 pm/defaults                                 |   49 +++-
 pm/functions                                |  256 -------------
 pm/functions.in                             |  183 +++++++++
 pm/hooks/.cvsignore                         |    2 -
 pm/hooks/00clear                            |   15 -
 pm/hooks/00logging                          |   14 -
 pm/hooks/01grub                             |   33 --
 pm/hooks/05led                              |   16 -
 pm/hooks/10NetworkManager                   |   32 --
 pm/hooks/20video                            |   75 ----
 pm/hooks/49bluetooth                        |   38 --
 pm/hooks/55battery                          |   22 -
 pm/hooks/60sysfont                          |   10 -
 pm/hooks/90clock                            |   39 --
 pm/hooks/94cpufreq                          |   52 ---
 pm/hooks/95led                              |   13 -
 pm/hooks/99video                            |   78 ----
 pm/module.d/Makefile.am                     |    9 +
 pm/module.d/kernel                          |   38 ++
 pm/module.d/tuxonice                        |   49 +++
 pm/module.d/uswsusp                         |   90 +++++
 pm/pm-functions.in                          |  210 ++++++++++
 pm/power.d/.cvsignore                       |    2 -
 pm/power.d/Makefile.am                      |    1 -
 pm/power.d/sched-powersave                  |    2 +-
 pm/sleep.d/00clear                          |   17 +
 pm/sleep.d/00logging                        |   12 +
 pm/sleep.d/01grub                           |   31 ++
 pm/sleep.d/05led                            |   14 +
 pm/sleep.d/10NetworkManager                 |   34 ++
 pm/sleep.d/49bluetooth                      |   32 ++
 pm/{hooks => sleep.d}/50modules             |   15 +-
 pm/sleep.d/55battery                        |   18 +
 pm/{hooks => sleep.d}/65alsa                |   10 +-
 pm/sleep.d/90clock                          |   36 ++
 pm/sleep.d/94cpufreq                        |   43 ++
 pm/sleep.d/95led                            |   13 +
 pm/sleep.d/99video                          |  147 +++++++
 pm/{hooks => sleep.d}/Makefile.am           |    4 +-
 src/.cvsignore                              |    5 -
 src/.gitignore                              |    9 +
 src/Makefile.am                             |   53 ++--
 src/on_ac_power                             |    8 +-
 src/pm-action                               |  121 ------
 src/pm-action.in                            |   88 +++++
 src/{pm-is-supported => pm-is-supported.in} |   39 +--
 src/{pm-powersave => pm-powersave.in}       |   39 +--
 test-pm-utils                               |   18 +
 68 files changed, 1472 insertions(+), 1729 deletions(-)

Victor Lowther
Ubuntu Certified Professional

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