Polkit-1 Shadow Patch

Andrew Psaltis ampsaltis at gmail.com
Fri Jan 15 18:50:41 PST 2010


Attached is a patch that allows the use of polkit-1 without PAM.  It is 
based on suggestions that David provided to Robby Workman (pretty much 
fooling the authenticator into thinking the helper is using PAM).  Robby 
and I tested the patch on modified Slackware installations, and it seems 
to work correctly.

While this allows for polkit-1 to be used without PAM, running "startx" 
from console logins will not "poke" ConsoleKit as it should.  I had to 
log in with gdm to be able to get ConsoleKit to be happy.

The only thing I was not sure of was how to handle the applications of 
per-user limits using just shadow in pkexec.  I can do more research on 
this if need be (and if so, pointers would be appreciated).

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