[poppler] Removing xpdfrc dependency

Martin Kretzschmar m_kretzschmar at gmx.net
Thu Jul 7 03:27:16 PDT 2005

Am Donnerstag, den 07.07.2005, 00:24 +0200 schrieb Albert Astals Cid:
> I really don't know what these files are useful for at the end, but i suppose 
> its for non-latin1 decoding. I guess that these files are freely 
> distributable as Mandriva, for example, is distributing them.

Redistributable: yes, but the cmap files are not free software.

> So in order to remove them from xpdfrc i suggest:
>  - Add that files to poppler and always distribute them, why should we make 
> non-latin1 users second class citizens?

"Add them to poppler" as in pack them into poppler-x.y.z.tar.gz?

That adds a lot of data that doesn't change much to the tarball (i.e.
the same data would have to be downloaded again and again).

And distros that are still shipping xpdf/other xpdf-based code won't
install duplicate files for each xpdf derivative anyway.

Debian/Ubuntu and I guess Fedora that want to ship only free software
would have to split the poppler tarball if it contained the non-free
cmap files.

Or make poppler-<language>.tar.gz and distribute that? That doesn't have
any of these disadvantages. But as long as we have no changes we could
as well say: Install the xpdf support packages.

>  - Let the code know where the package was installed, i mean, when you do the 
> configure, we define a symbol based on prefix and then on code do 
> open(PREFIX/rest/of/the/path/to/the/file).

Yes, hardcoding paths was the only solution I could think of. Maybe
adding extra configure options to specify a different "rest/of/the/path"
for distros that already install these files in random locations that we
don't know of.



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