[poppler] Poppler and Java (Qt Jambi)

Adam Batkin adam at batkin.net
Mon Feb 18 05:13:05 PST 2008

Hello Poppler folks,

I'm interested in porting (actually just wrapping) poppler-qt4 using Qt Jambi so that 
Poppler can be used from Java.

Just in case you don't know, Qt Jambi is Trolltech's wrapper around Qt4, for use in Java. 
Pretty much every Qt4 class is available from Java, and they all work in pretty much the 
same way. There are some minor exceptions, for example there is no QString, instead Java's 
built-in java.lang.String is used.

I don't really need anything from you, though I'd love to be able to work with you so that 
the Jambi wrapper can be kept up to date as the C/C++ codebase evolves, etc...If it is 
alright, I'll put everything up on Google Code (I'm thinking of calling it poppler-jambi) 
and it will be offered under the same licensing terms as poppler and Qt4 (GPL2). Any other 
suggestions are welcome.

Thoughts, questions, comments?


-Adam Batkin

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