[poppler] too slow when opening PDF 1.5 files

Pablo Rodríguez oinos at web.de
Wed Feb 24 06:20:35 PST 2010

Hi there,

I have just discovered that evince (and also xpdf) is much slower
dealing with PDF 1.5 documents than it is with the same document in PDF 1.4.

Here you have the test (generated both with XeLaTeX):

http://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/Guidelines.pdf (PDF 1.4)
http://users.ox.ac.uk/~rahtz/Guidelines.pdf (PDF 1.5, much smaller)

Evince and pdfinfo show a huge difference when opening both versions and
acroread 9.3 and mupdf-r938 show almost an irrelevant one.

Tests bellow (correct me if I'm wrong). Guidelines.pdf is the PDF 1.5
document and TEI_Guidelines.pdf is the PDF 1.4 document.

I hope it helps,


time evince TEI_Guidelines.pdf
real	0m15.900s
user	0m1.504s
sys	0m0.192s

time evince Guidelines.pdf
real	0m29.384s
user	0m26.510s
sys	0m0.320s

time pdfinfo TEI_Guidelines.pdf
real	0m0.253s
user	0m0.220s
sys	0m0.024s

time pdfinfo Guidelines.pdf
real	0m16.328s
user	0m15.433s
sys	0m0.116s

time acroread TEI_Guidelines.pdf
real	0m5.828s
user	0m3.220s
sys	0m0.520s

time acroread Guidelines.pdf
real	0m6.297s
user	0m4.132s
sys	0m0.460s

time mupdf TEI_Guidelines.pdf
real	0m1.670s
user	0m0.264s
sys	0m0.028s

time mupdf Guidelines.pdf
real	0m2.106s
user	0m0.384s
sys	0m0.020s

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