[poppler] Postscript got from pdftops has some glyphs missing

shyama.venugopal at emc.com shyama.venugopal at emc.com
Fri Jul 20 00:15:24 PDT 2012

Hi all,

I am new to poppler and postscript. I am using poppler to generate ps from pdf with the following command,

Ø  pdftops.exe -level2 "c:\sample.pdf"

I am then passing the output ps to ghostscript to get a PDF/X-3 conformant file. When I run Adobe preflight on the PDF from GS I see an error saying "glyphs are missing in the embedded font" .

I am asking this question in the poppler forum because when I do pdf->ps-> pdfx in ghostscript I do not see any errors with the final pdfx file. But I prefer to use poppler for the pdf->ps step as the quality is much better. Please let me know if there is anything else I need to do.

Thanks in advance,

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