[poppler] Compiling Poppler on an Amazon EC2

James Ford jford at psyked.co.uk
Tue Jun 5 15:17:48 PDT 2012

Hi all,

I've been trying to get Poppler working on an Amazon EC2 AMI - a Linux
based, x64 version, but I'm stumbling - probably because I don't really
understand what I'm doing!

Here's what I've done so far - first, downloaded the repository to the
directory /home/ec2-user/poppler, and then ran the following commands:

   - sudo yum install fontconfig-devel.x86_64 cairo.x86_64 qt47.x86_64
   poppler-glib.x86_64 glib2.x86_64 libjpeg-devel.x86_64 libpng-devel.x86_64
   libtiff-devel.x86_64 libcurl.x86_64 lcms.x86_64 zlib.x86_64 openjpeg.x86_64
   - aclocal
   - autoreconf -f -i -Wall,no-obsolete
   - export CPPFLAGS='-g -O0'
   - ./autogen.sh
   - make
   - make install

Unfortunately, this isn't working! The status message I get back after the
./autogen.sh command looks like this:

Building poppler with support for:
  font configuration: fontconfig
  splash output:      yes
  cairo output:       no
  qt4 wrapper:        no
  glib wrapper:       no
    introspection:    no
  cpp wrapper:        yes
  use gtk-doc:        no
  use libjpeg:        yes
  use libpng:         yes
  use libtiff:        yes
  use zlib:           no
  use libcurl:        no
  use libopenjpeg:    no
  use cms:            yes
  command line utils: yes

  Warning: Using libopenjpeg is recommended

It seems to only be picking up the libraries that weren't already installed
on the machine, like libpng, libjpeg etc. Cairo, Zlib and things like that
were already at their latest versions before I started anything, What I
don't seem to be able to do is make the poppler installation know that
those libraries are available.

Any ideas how I can resolve this? How can I make poppler 'know' that the
cairo libraries are available, for example?

 - James
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