[poppler] Spec question: Resetting form fields

Carlos Garcia Campos carlosgc at gnome.org
Mon Mar 19 05:18:10 PDT 2012

Excerpts from Albert Astals Cid's message of dom mar 18 23:52:14 +0100 2012:
> I'm trying to get ready for 0.19.2 the patches to reset the form values and 
> I've stumbled over something that feels like a mis-specification or maybe i am 
> just reading the spec wrong.
> The spec says
> Upon invocation of a reset-form action, a conforming processor shall reset 
> selected interactive form fields to their default values; that is, it shall 
> set the value of the V entry in the field dictionary to that of the DV entry 
> (see Table 220). If no default value is defined for a field, its V entry shall 
> be removed.
> So you go over the fields and if those fields have DV you set the V to that 
> value and if not you remove the V value.
> Seems simple enough.
> But the V value is marked as inheritable this means that in this situation
> Form A
> V "Foo"
> DV None
> Form B inherits Form A
> V "Bar"
> When resetting Form "B" i'd remove the V value from it and it would show "Foo" 
> since it will then be read from Form A.
> That seems "wrong" in my mind. But obviously it's "wronger" going to Form A 
> and removing the V there :D
> So I'm quite stucked here. Any idea of what's the right thing to do?

What does acroread do in such case?

> Or maybe that is the right thing to do?
Carlos Garcia Campos
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