[poppler] Annotation creation using Poppler

Francesco Gabbanini fgabbanini at gmail.com
Fri May 18 06:34:53 PDT 2012


I noticed that version 0.20 of Poppler has introduced the possibility of 
adding, modifying and removing annotations from PDF documents. These 
features seem to be available through the qt4 interface library as well.

First of all I would like to thank the community of Poppler developers 
for introducing these features.

I have read the qt4 interface documentation and I found that annotation 
creation seems to be possible by calling the static method 
Poppler::AnnotationUtils::createAnnotation(const QDomElement 
&annElement), which returns a pointer to an Annotation.

I was wondering what is that QDomElement & that has to be given as an 
input to the method.
Is there some documentation around describing how to work with 
annotations using the qt4 interface?
Or maybe, does anybody have a simple example on how to create 
annotations in a PDF using the qt4 interface?

Thanks in advance,

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