[poppler] Annot border regressions

Carlos Garcia Campos carlosgc at gnome.org
Fri Nov 29 06:13:51 PST 2013

I've updated the patches to not break the qt frontend, and I've run the
complete test suite for all the backends. This time I've found a few

 - Page 60: now renders a border we didn't. Acroread renders the border

 - Page 29: we are now rendering a border in a link, acroread doesn't
 even open the file.

 - Contains several square annots without any border specified. We are
 now using the default border in this case, but acroread doesn't. It's
 because these annots have an XAP entry for the appearance stream. When
 square annots have an AP we ignore the border, and use the provided AP
 instead. Does anybody know what XAP is? Is it part of a PDF extension?
 Should we parse those entries the same way we do for AP?

 - URL links should have a border that we didn't render.

 - This is funny. It contains white links without any border, so now
 we are drawing the default border, that seems to be invisible in most
 of the cases, but in some cases it intersects with the link text, so
 that it looks like if the text was not correctly rendered. So, at a
 first glance it looks like a regression, but it's actually a buggy
 document. Acroread renders the same. White links sounds like a
 workaround for pdf viewers drawing borders in links by default
 (following the spec)

There are a few files that didn't render anything where we now seem to
draw borders at random places, but they don't even open in acroread so
it's difficult to say.

There are also several docs containing check and radio form field buttons
that we are now render differently, and I would say worse, so I'll look
at those. Apart from this the only actual regression I see is the square
annots with an XAP entry of bug-poppler30580.pdf.

Carlos Garcia Campos
PGP key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x523E6462
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