<div dir="ltr">Hi team, <br><br>I have this nice PDF [1], which when converted to ps with the command <br>$ pdftops -level3 -r 300 ./P020110106297943134404.pdf<br>produces 20 Mb file with poppler 0.18.4, and 1.7 Gb (!) file with poppler 0.22.3<br>
<br>Looks like poppler 0.22.3 embeds way too many fonts:<br><br>$ grep -n CIDFontName <a href="http://P020110106297943134404-0.22.3.ps">P020110106297943134404-0.22.3.ps</a> | wc -l<br>168<br><br>$ grep -n CIDFontName <a href="http://P020110106297943134404-0.18.4.ps">P020110106297943134404-0.18.4.ps</a> | wc -l<br>
12<br><br>Why could such a thing happen? <br>This was tested on Ubutnu 12.04, which comes with poppler 0.18.4. 0.22.3 I compiled myself using the same configuration switches as Canonical uses for 0.18.4. Is there something that I could have missed in terms of configuration? <br>
<br>poppler-data is 0.4.5 for 0.18.4 and 0.4.6 for 0.22.3. <br><br>Your help is appreciated. <br><br>1. <a href="https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0B-vV7Qx5rjpEa0Vobmlaa3hHNWM">https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0B-vV7Qx5rjpEa0Vobmlaa3hHNWM</a><br>