[Portland] Consistent messaging

Dan Kegel dank at kegel.com
Thu Mar 9 20:16:11 EET 2006

Looks good, except:

I'd show a second line between the 'tools' and
the desktop-specific implementations, emphasizing that
the tools might not always use the comm link.

I'd also change the text
"Lubos Lunak, a key Portland Project developer responded
immediately by pointing Jeremy to the code, "
"Lubos Lunak, a key Portland Project developer, responded
immediately by pointing Jeremy to a prototype, "

to avoid annointing any one prototype as "the" prototype.

Also, I'd remove the sentences
"Is the Portland Project real?"
"The Portland Project is real."
out of modesty.  We won't know if it's real until an ISV starts using it.
- Dan

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