<div dir="ltr">Nobody has given a reply to this subject.<br>So.. for my own convenience I've implemented some functionality in xdg-open by myself.<br><br>Instead of automatically falling to $BROWSER for any given argument, this branch version will first check if the given argument is a file (or a file: url), it will then search for an associated application for it's mimetype in the data dirs (like xdg-mime) and execute it.<br>
<a href="http://www.uco.es/%7Eq22cavaf/dev/xdg-open-1.0.2generic"><br>http://www.uco.es/~q22cavaf/dev/xdg-open-1.0.2generic</a><br><br>It does parse the Exec line in most Desktop Entries successfully, but there still may be some cases that won't work perfectly, because I'm not very sure about the spec, and how to do it efficiently in shell-script.<br>
<br>However, now it should be possible to assign associations using xdg-mime and be able to use them by xdg-open.<br><br>I think this was necessary, because not all of us use the popular desktop environments and some applications rely on this.<br>
I would love it if this changes were submitted to the trunk, and maybe improved.<br><br>The url/* scheme I was talking about before is not being applied in this script. Although it can be easily done, but it's a non-stardand way of working, so I made it fall to $BROWSER for any given url that is not "file:\\".<br>