[pulseaudio-tickets] [PulseAudio] #877: Bluetooth headset does not appear in the sound devices list

PulseAudio trac-noreply at tango.0pointer.de
Sun Nov 21 00:47:55 PST 2010

#877: Bluetooth headset does not appear in the sound devices list
 Reporter:  dgvirtual           |       Owner:  lennart
     Type:  defect              |      Status:  new    
Milestone:                      |   Component:  daemon 
 Keywords:  bluetooth, headset  |  
 Pairing the headset and the computer is successful. The connection
 initially is also established (after a fresh reboot). But the headset does
 not appear in Pulseaudio devices list (as checked via pavucontrol, kmix,
 KDE's Phonon devices list).

 Once the bluetooth headset is connected, pulseaudio sometimes freezes (if
 I played sound on Kaffeine, it sometimes stops).

 The headset is ok, works with my phone, I also managed to get it to work
 once with pulseaudio, but do not ask me how, it was accidental and I was
 not able to replicate that (and it was with packages from ppa:ubuntu-
 audio-dev/ppa for maverick ubuntu; since those froze more often, I
 downgraded, and these tests are done with default ubuntu maverick

 System information:

 Bluetooth headset: Sony Ericsson HBH-610a

 $ hcitool info 00:16:B8:0A:14:3E

 Requesting information ...
         BD Address:  00:16:B8:0A:14:3E
         Device Name: HBH-610a
         LMP Version: 2.0 (0x3) LMP Subversion: 0xe1b
         Manufacturer: Texas Instruments Inc. (13)
         Features: 0xff 0xfd 0x29 0x78 0x18 0x18 0x00 0x80
                 <3-slot packets> <5-slot packets> <encryption> <slot
                 <timing accuracy> <role switch> <hold mode> <sniff mode>
                 <park state> <channel quality> <SCO link> <HV2 packets>
                 <HV3 packets> <u-law log> <A-law log> <CVSD> <transparent
                 <enhanced iscan> <interlaced iscan> <interlaced pscan>
                 <inquiry with RSSI> <AFH cap. slave> <AFH class. slave>
                 <AFH cap. master> <AFH class. master> <extended features>

 OS: Kubuntu Maverick i386

 $ uname -a

 Linux bala 2.6.35-22-generic #35-Ubuntu SMP Sat Oct 16 20:36:48 UTC 2010
 i686 GNU/Linux

 $ pulseaudio --version
 pulseaudio 0.9.21-63-gd3efa-dirty

 Some info about the bluetooth adapter:

 $ hciconfig

 hci0: Type: BR/EDR Bus: USB

         BD Address: 00:11:67:D6:35:60 ACL MTU: 1021:4 SCO MTU: 48:10
         RX bytes:4749 acl:81 sco:0 events:173 errors:0
         TX bytes:2725 acl:96 sco:0 commands:48 errors:0

 $ lsusb | grep Blue

 Bus 004 Device 002: ID 1131:1004 Integrated System Solution Corp.
 Bluetooth Device

 Likely related bugs reported on launchpad:



 I am attaching two files. One is filtered output of /var/log/messages of a
 bluetooth connection session.
 The ohter one is pulseaudio -vvvv output of the same session.

 I will gladly do any tests required for this bug to be fixed.

Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/877>
PulseAudio <http://pulseaudio.org/>
The PulseAudio Sound Server

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