[pulseaudio-commits] 2 commits - configure.ac man/default.pa.5.xml.in man/Makefile.am man/pacmd.1.xml.in man/pactl.1.xml.in man/pulse-cli-syntax.5.xml.in src/pulsecore

Colin Guthrie colin at kemper.freedesktop.org
Tue Apr 10 02:18:20 PDT 2012

 configure.ac                  |    1 
 man/Makefile.am               |    3 
 man/default.pa.5.xml.in       |    9 -
 man/pacmd.1.xml.in            |   11 +
 man/pactl.1.xml.in            |    7 
 man/pulse-cli-syntax.5.xml.in |  335 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/pulsecore/cli-command.c   |  142 ++++++++++++++---
 7 files changed, 476 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 29e4b187a3dd3fd598d57ed6da88f4f67862cc33
Author: Colin Guthrie <colin at mageia.org>
Date:   Thu Apr 5 11:52:24 2012 +0100

    cli: Allow source-output volumes/mute to be set via CLI
    This should have been done a long time ago but it brings symmetry to the API

diff --git a/man/pulse-cli-syntax.5.xml.in b/man/pulse-cli-syntax.5.xml.in
index 4f4e838..dffb4a9 100644
--- a/man/pulse-cli-syntax.5.xml.in
+++ b/man/pulse-cli-syntax.5.xml.in
@@ -129,14 +129,14 @@ USA.
-      <p><opt>set-sink-input-volume</opt> <arg>index</arg> <arg>volume</arg></p>
-      <optdesc><p>Set the volume of a sink input specified
+      <p><opt>set-sink-input-volume|set-source-output-volume</opt> <arg>index</arg> <arg>volume</arg></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Set the volume of a sink input (resp. source output) specified
       by its index. The same volume rules apply as with set-sink-volume.</p></optdesc>
-      <p><opt>set-sink-input-mute</opt> <arg>index</arg> <arg>boolean</arg></p>
-      <optdesc><p>Mute or unmute a sink input specified
+      <p><opt>set-sink-input-mute|set-source-output-mute</opt> <arg>index</arg> <arg>boolean</arg></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Mute or unmute a sink input (resp. source output) specified
       by its index. The same mute rules apply as with set-sink-mute.</p></optdesc>
diff --git a/src/pulsecore/cli-command.c b/src/pulsecore/cli-command.c
index fd265d5..53042c1 100644
--- a/src/pulsecore/cli-command.c
+++ b/src/pulsecore/cli-command.c
@@ -96,10 +96,12 @@ static int pa_cli_command_unload(pa_core *c, pa_tokenizer *t, pa_strbuf *buf, pa
 static int pa_cli_command_describe(pa_core *c, pa_tokenizer *t, pa_strbuf *buf, pa_bool_t *fail);
 static int pa_cli_command_sink_volume(pa_core *c, pa_tokenizer *t, pa_strbuf *buf, pa_bool_t *fail);
 static int pa_cli_command_sink_input_volume(pa_core *c, pa_tokenizer *t, pa_strbuf *buf, pa_bool_t *fail);
+static int pa_cli_command_source_output_volume(pa_core *c, pa_tokenizer *t, pa_strbuf *buf, pa_bool_t *fail);
 static int pa_cli_command_source_volume(pa_core *c, pa_tokenizer *t, pa_strbuf *buf, pa_bool_t *fail);
 static int pa_cli_command_sink_mute(pa_core *c, pa_tokenizer *t, pa_strbuf *buf, pa_bool_t *fail);
 static int pa_cli_command_source_mute(pa_core *c, pa_tokenizer *t, pa_strbuf *buf, pa_bool_t *fail);
 static int pa_cli_command_sink_input_mute(pa_core *c, pa_tokenizer *t, pa_strbuf *buf, pa_bool_t *fail);
+static int pa_cli_command_source_output_mute(pa_core *c, pa_tokenizer *t, pa_strbuf *buf, pa_bool_t *fail);
 static int pa_cli_command_sink_default(pa_core *c, pa_tokenizer *t, pa_strbuf *buf, pa_bool_t *fail);
 static int pa_cli_command_source_default(pa_core *c, pa_tokenizer *t, pa_strbuf *buf, pa_bool_t *fail);
 static int pa_cli_command_kill_client(pa_core *c, pa_tokenizer *t, pa_strbuf *buf, pa_bool_t *fail);
@@ -155,7 +157,9 @@ static const struct command commands[] = {
     { "set-sink-mute",           pa_cli_command_sink_mute,          "Set the mute switch of a sink (args: index|name, bool)", 3},
     { "set-source-mute",         pa_cli_command_source_mute,        "Set the mute switch of a source (args: index|name, bool)", 3},
     { "set-sink-input-volume",   pa_cli_command_sink_input_volume,  "Set the volume of a sink input (args: index, volume)", 3},
+    { "set-source-output-volume",pa_cli_command_source_output_volume,"Set the volume of a source output (args: index, volume)", 3},
     { "set-sink-input-mute",     pa_cli_command_sink_input_mute,    "Set the mute switch of a sink input (args: index, bool)", 3},
+    { "set-source-output-mute",  pa_cli_command_source_output_mute, "Set the mute switch of a source output (args: index, bool)", 3},
     { "set-default-sink",        pa_cli_command_sink_default,       "Set the default sink (args: index|name)", 2},
     { "set-default-source",      pa_cli_command_source_default,     "Set the default source (args: index|name)", 2},
     { "set-card-profile",        pa_cli_command_card_profile,       "Change the profile of a card (args: index|name, profile-name)", 3},
@@ -169,7 +173,7 @@ static const struct command commands[] = {
     { "update-sink-proplist",    pa_cli_command_update_sink_proplist, "Update the properties of a sink (args: index|name, properties)", 3},
     { "update-source-proplist",  pa_cli_command_update_source_proplist, "Update the properties of a source (args: index|name, properties)", 3},
     { "update-sink-input-proplist", pa_cli_command_update_sink_input_proplist, "Update the properties of a sink input (args: index, properties)", 3},
-    { "update-source-output-proplist", pa_cli_command_update_source_output_proplist, "Update the properties of a source_output (args: index, properties)", 3},
+    { "update-source-output-proplist", pa_cli_command_update_source_output_proplist, "Update the properties of a source output (args: index, properties)", 3},
     { "list-samples",            pa_cli_command_scache_list,        "List all entries in the sample cache", 1},
     { "play-sample",             pa_cli_command_scache_play,        "Play a sample from the sample cache (args: name, sink|index)", 3},
     { "remove-sample",           pa_cli_command_scache_remove,      "Remove a sample from the sample cache (args: name)", 2},
@@ -637,6 +641,58 @@ static int pa_cli_command_source_volume(pa_core *c, pa_tokenizer *t, pa_strbuf *
     return 0;
+static int pa_cli_command_source_output_volume(pa_core *c, pa_tokenizer *t, pa_strbuf *buf, pa_bool_t *fail) {
+    const char *n, *v;
+    pa_source_output *so;
+    pa_volume_t volume;
+    pa_cvolume cvolume;
+    uint32_t idx;
+    pa_core_assert_ref(c);
+    pa_assert(t);
+    pa_assert(buf);
+    pa_assert(fail);
+    if (!(n = pa_tokenizer_get(t, 1))) {
+        pa_strbuf_puts(buf, "You need to specify a source output by its index.\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if ((idx = parse_index(n)) == PA_IDXSET_INVALID) {
+        pa_strbuf_puts(buf, "Failed to parse index.\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (!(v = pa_tokenizer_get(t, 2))) {
+        pa_strbuf_puts(buf, "You need to specify a volume >= 0. (0 is muted, 0x10000 is normal volume)\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (pa_atou(v, &volume) < 0) {
+        pa_strbuf_puts(buf, "Failed to parse volume.\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (!PA_VOLUME_IS_VALID(volume)) {
+        pa_strbuf_puts(buf, "Volume outside permissible range.\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (!(so = pa_idxset_get_by_index(c->source_outputs, idx))) {
+        pa_strbuf_puts(buf, "No source output found with this index.\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (!so->volume_writable) {
+        pa_strbuf_puts(buf, "This source output's volume can't be changed.\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    pa_cvolume_set(&cvolume, 1, volume);
+    pa_source_output_set_volume(so, &cvolume, TRUE, TRUE);
+    return 0;
 static int pa_cli_command_sink_mute(pa_core *c, pa_tokenizer *t, pa_strbuf *buf, pa_bool_t *fail) {
     const char *n, *m;
     pa_sink *sink;
@@ -905,6 +961,46 @@ static int pa_cli_command_sink_input_mute(pa_core *c, pa_tokenizer *t, pa_strbuf
     return 0;
+static int pa_cli_command_source_output_mute(pa_core *c, pa_tokenizer *t, pa_strbuf *buf, pa_bool_t *fail) {
+    const char *n, *v;
+    pa_source_output *so;
+    uint32_t idx;
+    int mute;
+    pa_core_assert_ref(c);
+    pa_assert(t);
+    pa_assert(buf);
+    pa_assert(fail);
+    if (!(n = pa_tokenizer_get(t, 1))) {
+        pa_strbuf_puts(buf, "You need to specify a source output by its index.\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if ((idx = parse_index(n)) == PA_IDXSET_INVALID) {
+        pa_strbuf_puts(buf, "Failed to parse index.\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (!(v = pa_tokenizer_get(t, 2))) {
+        pa_strbuf_puts(buf, "You need to specify a mute switch setting (0/1).\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if ((mute = pa_parse_boolean(v)) < 0) {
+        pa_strbuf_puts(buf, "Failed to parse mute switch.\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (!(so = pa_idxset_get_by_index(c->source_outputs, (uint32_t) idx))) {
+        pa_strbuf_puts(buf, "No source output found with this index.\n");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    pa_source_output_set_mute(so, mute, TRUE);
+    return 0;
 static int pa_cli_command_sink_default(pa_core *c, pa_tokenizer *t, pa_strbuf *buf, pa_bool_t *fail) {
     const char *n;
     pa_sink *s;

commit aa19646d34e57719ee87bb8c619ccc7d4ea4e9aa
Author: Colin Guthrie <colin at mageia.org>
Date:   Thu Apr 5 11:41:18 2012 +0100

    man: Document the cli inteface a little.
    This just documents the cli interface syntax. Mostly a lift from
    with some minor editing and bringing up to date.
    Also document a few undocumented commands.
    Shuffle around the order in 'pacmd help' output to match the order
    in the new docs for consistency.

diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 7bdd401..efcb753 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -1330,6 +1330,7 @@ man/padsp.1.xml
diff --git a/man/Makefile.am b/man/Makefile.am
index b27a9f2..d0cc8e7 100644
--- a/man/Makefile.am
+++ b/man/Makefile.am
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ noinst_DATA = \
 	pulse-daemon.conf.5.xml \
 	pulse-client.conf.5.xml \
 	default.pa.5.xml \
+	pulse-cli-syntax.5.xml \
 	start-pulseaudio-kde.1.xml \
@@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ dist_man_MANS = \
 	pulse-daemon.conf.5 \
 	pulse-client.conf.5 \
 	default.pa.5 \
+	pulse-cli-syntax.5 \
 	start-pulseaudio-kde.1 \
@@ -78,6 +80,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \
 	pulse-daemon.conf.5.xml.in \
 	pulse-client.conf.5.xml.in \
 	default.pa.5.xml.in \
+	pulse-cli-syntax.5.xml.in \
 	start-pulseaudio-kde.1.xml.in \
 	start-pulseaudio-x11.1.xml.in \
 	xmltoman \
diff --git a/man/default.pa.5.xml.in b/man/default.pa.5.xml.in
index 1ec618d..fb5b2d2 100644
--- a/man/default.pa.5.xml.in
+++ b/man/default.pa.5.xml.in
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ USA.
     <file>~/.pulse/default.pa</file> on startup, and when that file
     doesn't exist <file>@PA_DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR@/default.pa</file>. It
     should contain directives in the PulseAudio CLI languages, as
-    documented on <url href="http://pulseaudio.org/wiki/CLI"/>.</p>
+    documented in <manref name="pulse-cli-syntax" section="5"/>.</p>
     <p>The same commands can also be entered during runtime in the <manref name="pacmd"
       section="1"/> tool, allowing flexible runtime reconfiguration.</p>
@@ -47,9 +47,10 @@ USA.
   <section name="See also">
-      <manref name="pulse-daemon.conf" section="5"/>, <manref
-      name="pulseaudio" section="1"/>, <manref name="pacmd"
-      section="1"/>
+      <manref name="pulse-cli-syntax" section="5"/>,
+      <manref name="pulse-daemon.conf" section="5"/>,
+      <manref name="pulseaudio" section="1"/>,
+      <manref name="pacmd" section="1"/>
diff --git a/man/pacmd.1.xml.in b/man/pacmd.1.xml.in
index c20c016..079eb61 100644
--- a/man/pacmd.1.xml.in
+++ b/man/pacmd.1.xml.in
@@ -34,7 +34,11 @@ USA.
     the commands also understood in the <file>default.pa</file>
     configuration scripts.</p>
-    <p>This program takes no command line options.</p>
+    <p>To exit the live shell, use ctrl+d. Note that the 'exit' command
+    inside the shell will tell the PulseAudio daemon itself to shutdown!</p>
+    <p>If any arguments are passed on the command line, they will be
+    passed into the live shell which will process the command and exit.</p>
   <section name="Authors">
@@ -43,7 +47,10 @@ USA.
   <section name="See also">
-      <manref name="pulseaudio" section="1"/>, <manref name="pactl" section="1"/>, <manref name="default.pa" section="5"/>
+      <manref name="pulse-cli-syntax" section="5"/>,
+      <manref name="pulseaudio" section="1"/>,
+      <manref name="pactl" section="1"/>,
+      <manref name="default.pa" section="5"/>
diff --git a/man/pactl.1.xml.in b/man/pactl.1.xml.in
index 688ac38..86e7609 100644
--- a/man/pactl.1.xml.in
+++ b/man/pactl.1.xml.in
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ USA.
   <section name="Commands">
-      <p><opt>stat</opt> [short]</p>
+      <p><opt>stat</opt> [<arg>short</arg>]</p>
       <optdesc><p>Dump a few statistics about the memory usage of the PulseAudio daemon. (Note: for backwards
       compatibility, we also show the output of the <arg>info</arg> command. In order to only show
       statistics, use the optional <arg>short</arg> argument. In a future version of PA we will
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ USA.
-      <p><opt>list</opt> [short] [<arg>TYPE</arg>]</p>
+      <p><opt>list</opt> [<arg>short</arg>] [<arg>TYPE</arg>]</p>
       <optdesc><p>Dump all currently loaded modules, available sinks, sources, streams, etc.  <arg>TYPE</arg> must be one of:
       modules, sinks, sources, sink-inputs, source-outputs, clients, samples, cards.  If not specified, all info is listed.  If
       short is given, output is in a tabular format, for easy parsing by scripts.</p></optdesc>
@@ -243,7 +243,8 @@ USA.
-      <manref name="pulseaudio" section="1"/>, <manref name="pacmd" section="1"/>
+      <manref name="pulseaudio" section="1"/>,
+      <manref name="pacmd" section="1"/>
diff --git a/man/pulse-cli-syntax.5.xml.in b/man/pulse-cli-syntax.5.xml.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f4e838
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/pulse-cli-syntax.5.xml.in
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?><!--*-nxml-*-->
+<!DOCTYPE manpage SYSTEM "xmltoman.dtd">
+<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="xmltoman.xsl" ?>
+This file is part of PulseAudio.
+PulseAudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the
+License, or (at your option) any later version.
+PulseAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with PulseAudio; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+<manpage name="pulse-cli-syntax" section="5" desc="PulseAudio Command Line Interface Syntax">
+  <synopsis>
+    <p><file>~/.pulse/default.pa</file></p>
+    <p><file>@PA_DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR@/default.pa</file></p>
+    <p><file>@PA_DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR@/system.pa</file></p>
+  </synopsis>
+  <description>
+    <p>
+      PulseAudio provides a simple command line language used by configuration
+      scripts and the pacmd interactive shell, and the modules module-cli and
+      module-cli-protocol-{unix,tcp}. Empty lines and lines beginning with a
+      hashmark (#) are silently ignored. Several commands are supported.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Note that any boolean arguments can be given positively as '1', 'on' or any
+      word starting with the letters 't' or 'y'. Likewise, negative values can be
+      given as '0', 'off' or any word starting with the letters 'f' or 'n'.
+      Case is ignored.
+    </p>
+  </description>
+  <section name="General Commands">
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>help</opt></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Show a quick help on the commands available.</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+  </section>
+  <section name="Status_Commands">
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>list-modules</opt></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Show all currently loaded modules with their arguments.</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>list-cards</opt></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Show all currently registered cards</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>list-sinks</opt> or <opt>list-sources</opt></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Show all currently registered sinks (resp. sources).</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>list-clients</opt></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Show all currently active clients.</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>list-sink-inputs</opt> or <opt>list-source-outputs</opt></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Show all currently active inputs to sinks a.k.a. playback
+      streams (resp. outputs of sources a.k.a. recording streams).</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>stat</opt></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Show some simple statistics about the allocated memory blocks and the space used by them.</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>info</opt> or <opt>ls</opt> or <opt>list</opt></p>
+      <optdesc><p>A combination of all status commands described above (all
+      three commands are synonyms).</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+  </section>
+  <section name="Module Management">
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>load-module</opt> <arg>name</arg> [<arg>arguments...</arg>]</p>
+      <optdesc><p>Load a module specified by its name and arguments. For most
+      modules it is OK to be loaded more than once.</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>unload-module</opt> <arg>index</arg></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Unload a module specified by its index in the module list as
+      returned by list-modules.</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>describe-module</opt> <arg>name</arg></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Give information about a module specified by its name.</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+  </section>
+  <section name="Volume Commands">
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>set-sink-volume|set-source-volume</opt> <arg>index|name</arg> <arg>volume</arg></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Set the volume of the specified sink (resp. source). You may
+      specify the sink (resp. source) either by its index in the sink/source list
+      or by its name. The volume should be an integer value greater or equal than
+      0 (muted). Volume 65536 (0x10000) is 'normal' volume a.k.a. 100%. Values
+      greater than this amplify the audio signal (with clipping).</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>set-sink-mute|set-source-mute</opt> <arg>index|name</arg> <arg>boolean</arg></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Mute or unmute the specified sink (resp. source). You may
+      specify the sink (resp. source) either by its index or by its name.
+      The mute value is either 0 (not muted) or 1 (muted).</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>set-sink-input-volume</opt> <arg>index</arg> <arg>volume</arg></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Set the volume of a sink input specified
+      by its index. The same volume rules apply as with set-sink-volume.</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>set-sink-input-mute</opt> <arg>index</arg> <arg>boolean</arg></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Mute or unmute a sink input specified
+      by its index. The same mute rules apply as with set-sink-mute.</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+  </section>
+  <section name="Configuration Commands">
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>set-default-sink|set-default-source</opt> <arg>index|name</arg></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Make a sink (resp. source) the default. You may specify the
+      sink (resp. source) by its index in the sink (resp. source) list or by its
+      name.</p><p>Note that defaults may be overridden by various policy modules
+      or by specific stream configurations.</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>set-card-profile</opt> <arg>index|name</arg> <arg>profile-name</arg></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Change the profile of a card.</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>set-sink-port|set-source-port</opt> <arg>index|name</arg> <arg>port-name</arg></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Change the profile of a sink (resp. source).</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>suspend-sink|suspend-source</opt> <arg>index|name</arg> <arg>boolean</arg></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Suspend (i.e. disconnect from the underlying hardware) a sink
+      (resp. source).</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>suspend</opt> <arg>boolean</arg></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Suspend all sinks and sources.</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+  </section>
+  <section name="Moving streams">
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>move-sink-input|move-source-output</opt> <arg>index</arg> <arg>sink-index|sink-name</arg></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Move sink input (resp. source output) to another sink
+      (resp. source).</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+  </section>
+  <section name="Property lists">
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>update-sink-proplist|update-source-proplist</opt> <arg>index|name</arg> <arg>properties</arg></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Update the properties of a sink (resp. source) specified by
+      name or index. The property is specified as e.g. device.description="My
+      Preferred Name"</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>update-sink-input-proplist|update-source-output-proplist</opt> <arg>index</arg> <arg>properties</arg></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Update the properties of a sink input (resp. source output)
+      specified by index. The properties are specified as above.</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+  </section>
+  <section name="Sample Cache">
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>list-samples</opt></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Lists the contents of the sample cache.</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>play-sample</opt> <arg>name</arg> <arg>sink-index|sink-name</arg></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Play a sample cache entry to a sink.</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>remove-sample</opt> <arg>name</arg></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Remove an entry from the sample cache.</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>load-sample</opt> <arg>name</arg> <arg>filename</arg></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Load an audio file to the sample cache.</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>load-sample-lazy</opt> <arg>name</arg> <arg>filename</arg></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Create a new entry in the sample cache, but don't load the
+      sample immediately. The sample is loaded only when it is first used.
+      After a certain idle time it is freed again.</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>load-sample-dir-lazy</opt> <arg>path</arg></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Load all entries in the specified directory into the sample
+      cache as lazy entries. A shell globbing expression (e.g. *.wav) may be
+      appended to the path of the directory to add.</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+  </section>
+  <section name="Killing Clients/Streams">
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>kill-client</opt> <arg>index</arg></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Remove a client forcibly from the server. There is no protection
+      against the client reconnecting immediately.</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>kill-sink-input|kill-source-output</opt> <arg>index</arg></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Remove a sink input (resp. source output) forcibly from the
+      server. This will not remove the owning client or any other streams opened
+      by the same client from the server.</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+  </section>
+  <section name="Log Commands">
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>set-log-level</opt> <arg>numeric-level</arg></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Change the log level.</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>set-log-meta</opt> <arg>boolean</arg></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Show source code location in log messages.</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>set-log-time</opt> <arg>boolean</arg></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Show timestamps in log messages.</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>set-log-backtrace</opt> <arg>num-frames</arg></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Show backtrace in log messages.</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+  </section>
+  <section name="Miscellaneous Commands">
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>play-file</opt> <arg>filename</arg> <arg>sink-index|sink-name</arg></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Play an audio file to a sink.</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>dump</opt></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Dump the daemon's current configuration in CLI commands.</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>dump-volumes</opt></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Debug: Shows the current state of all volumes.</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>shared</opt></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Debug: Show shared properties.</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>exit</opt></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Terminate the daemon. If you want to terminate a CLI
+      connection ("log out") you might want to use ctrl+d</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+  </section>
+  <section name="Meta Commands">
+    <p>
+      In addition the the commands described above there a few meta directives
+      supported by the command line interpreter.
+    </p>
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>.include</opt> <arg>filename|folder</arg></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Executes the commands from the specified script file or in all
+      of the *.pa file within the folder.</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>.fail</opt> and <opt>.nofail</opt></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Enable (resp. disable) that following failing commands will
+      cancel the execution of the current script file. This is a ignored when
+      used on the interactive command line.</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+    <option>
+      <p><opt>.verbose</opt> and <opt>.noverbose</opt></p>
+      <optdesc><p>Enable (resp. disable) extra verbosity.</p></optdesc>
+    </option>
+  </section>
+  <section name="Authors">
+    <p>The PulseAudio Developers &lt;@PACKAGE_BUGREPORT@&gt;;
+    PulseAudio is available from <url href="@PACKAGE_URL@"/></p>
+  </section>
+  <section name="See also">
+    <p>
+      <manref name="default.pa" section="5"/>,
+      <manref name="pacmd" section="1"/>,
+      <manref name="pulseaudio" section="1"/>
+    </p>
+  </section>
diff --git a/src/pulsecore/cli-command.c b/src/pulsecore/cli-command.c
index a43b7ca..fd265d5 100644
--- a/src/pulsecore/cli-command.c
+++ b/src/pulsecore/cli-command.c
@@ -135,15 +135,14 @@ static int pa_cli_command_dump_volumes(pa_core *c, pa_tokenizer *t, pa_strbuf *b
 /* A method table for all available commands */
 static const struct command commands[] = {
-    { "exit",                    pa_cli_command_exit,               "Terminate the daemon",         1 },
     { "help",                    pa_cli_command_help,               "Show this help",               1 },
     { "list-modules",            pa_cli_command_modules,            "List loaded modules",          1 },
+    { "list-cards",              pa_cli_command_cards,              "List cards",                   1 },
     { "list-sinks",              pa_cli_command_sinks,              "List loaded sinks",            1 },
     { "list-sources",            pa_cli_command_sources,            "List loaded sources",          1 },
     { "list-clients",            pa_cli_command_clients,            "List loaded clients",          1 },
     { "list-sink-inputs",        pa_cli_command_sink_inputs,        "List sink inputs",             1 },
     { "list-source-outputs",     pa_cli_command_source_outputs,     "List source outputs",          1 },
-    { "list-cards",              pa_cli_command_cards,              "List cards",                   1 },
     { "stat",                    pa_cli_command_stat,               "Show memory block statistics", 1 },
     { "info",                    pa_cli_command_info,               "Show comprehensive status",    1 },
     { "ls",                      pa_cli_command_info,               NULL,                           1 },
@@ -152,43 +151,44 @@ static const struct command commands[] = {
     { "unload-module",           pa_cli_command_unload,             "Unload a module (args: index)", 2},
     { "describe-module",         pa_cli_command_describe,           "Describe a module (arg: name)", 2},
     { "set-sink-volume",         pa_cli_command_sink_volume,        "Set the volume of a sink (args: index|name, volume)", 3},
-    { "set-sink-input-volume",   pa_cli_command_sink_input_volume,  "Set the volume of a sink input (args: index, volume)", 3},
     { "set-source-volume",       pa_cli_command_source_volume,      "Set the volume of a source (args: index|name, volume)", 3},
     { "set-sink-mute",           pa_cli_command_sink_mute,          "Set the mute switch of a sink (args: index|name, bool)", 3},
-    { "set-sink-input-mute",     pa_cli_command_sink_input_mute,    "Set the mute switch of a sink input (args: index, bool)", 3},
     { "set-source-mute",         pa_cli_command_source_mute,        "Set the mute switch of a source (args: index|name, bool)", 3},
+    { "set-sink-input-volume",   pa_cli_command_sink_input_volume,  "Set the volume of a sink input (args: index, volume)", 3},
+    { "set-sink-input-mute",     pa_cli_command_sink_input_mute,    "Set the mute switch of a sink input (args: index, bool)", 3},
+    { "set-default-sink",        pa_cli_command_sink_default,       "Set the default sink (args: index|name)", 2},
+    { "set-default-source",      pa_cli_command_source_default,     "Set the default source (args: index|name)", 2},
+    { "set-card-profile",        pa_cli_command_card_profile,       "Change the profile of a card (args: index|name, profile-name)", 3},
+    { "set-sink-port",           pa_cli_command_sink_port,          "Change the port of a sink (args: index|name, port-name)", 3},
+    { "set-source-port",         pa_cli_command_source_port,        "Change the port of a source (args: index|name, port-name)", 3},
+    { "suspend-sink",            pa_cli_command_suspend_sink,       "Suspend sink (args: index|name, bool)", 3},
+    { "suspend-source",          pa_cli_command_suspend_source,     "Suspend source (args: index|name, bool)", 3},
+    { "suspend",                 pa_cli_command_suspend,            "Suspend all sinks and all sources (args: bool)", 2},
+    { "move-sink-input",         pa_cli_command_move_sink_input,    "Move sink input to another sink (args: index, sink)", 3},
+    { "move-source-output",      pa_cli_command_move_source_output, "Move source output to another source (args: index, source)", 3},
     { "update-sink-proplist",    pa_cli_command_update_sink_proplist, "Update the properties of a sink (args: index|name, properties)", 3},
     { "update-source-proplist",  pa_cli_command_update_source_proplist, "Update the properties of a source (args: index|name, properties)", 3},
     { "update-sink-input-proplist", pa_cli_command_update_sink_input_proplist, "Update the properties of a sink input (args: index, properties)", 3},
     { "update-source-output-proplist", pa_cli_command_update_source_output_proplist, "Update the properties of a source_output (args: index, properties)", 3},
-    { "set-default-sink",        pa_cli_command_sink_default,       "Set the default sink (args: index|name)", 2},
-    { "set-default-source",      pa_cli_command_source_default,     "Set the default source (args: index|name)", 2},
-    { "kill-client",             pa_cli_command_kill_client,        "Kill a client (args: index)", 2},
-    { "kill-sink-input",         pa_cli_command_kill_sink_input,    "Kill a sink input (args: index)", 2},
-    { "kill-source-output",      pa_cli_command_kill_source_output, "Kill a source output (args: index)", 2},
     { "list-samples",            pa_cli_command_scache_list,        "List all entries in the sample cache", 1},
     { "play-sample",             pa_cli_command_scache_play,        "Play a sample from the sample cache (args: name, sink|index)", 3},
     { "remove-sample",           pa_cli_command_scache_remove,      "Remove a sample from the sample cache (args: name)", 2},
     { "load-sample",             pa_cli_command_scache_load,        "Load a sound file into the sample cache (args: name, filename)", 3},
     { "load-sample-lazy",        pa_cli_command_scache_load,        "Lazily load a sound file into the sample cache (args: name, filename)", 3},
     { "load-sample-dir-lazy",    pa_cli_command_scache_load_dir,    "Lazily load all files in a directory into the sample cache (args: pathname)", 2},
-    { "play-file",               pa_cli_command_play_file,          "Play a sound file (args: filename, sink|index)", 3},
-    { "dump",                    pa_cli_command_dump,               "Dump daemon configuration", 1},
-    { "shared",                  pa_cli_command_list_shared_props,  NULL, 1},
-    { "move-sink-input",         pa_cli_command_move_sink_input,    "Move sink input to another sink (args: index, sink)", 3},
-    { "move-source-output",      pa_cli_command_move_source_output, "Move source output to another source (args: index, source)", 3},
-    { "vacuum",                  pa_cli_command_vacuum,             NULL, 1},
-    { "suspend-sink",            pa_cli_command_suspend_sink,       "Suspend sink (args: index|name, bool)", 3},
-    { "suspend-source",          pa_cli_command_suspend_source,     "Suspend source (args: index|name, bool)", 3},
-    { "suspend",                 pa_cli_command_suspend,            "Suspend all sinks and all sources (args: bool)", 2},
-    { "set-card-profile",        pa_cli_command_card_profile,       "Change the profile of a card (args: index, name)", 3},
-    { "set-sink-port",           pa_cli_command_sink_port,          "Change the port of a sink (args: index, name)", 3},
-    { "set-source-port",         pa_cli_command_source_port,        "Change the port of a source (args: index, name)", 3},
+    { "kill-client",             pa_cli_command_kill_client,        "Kill a client (args: index)", 2},
+    { "kill-sink-input",         pa_cli_command_kill_sink_input,    "Kill a sink input (args: index)", 2},
+    { "kill-source-output",      pa_cli_command_kill_source_output, "Kill a source output (args: index)", 2},
     { "set-log-level",           pa_cli_command_log_level,          "Change the log level (args: numeric level)", 2},
     { "set-log-meta",            pa_cli_command_log_meta,           "Show source code location in log messages (args: bool)", 2},
     { "set-log-time",            pa_cli_command_log_time,           "Show timestamps in log messages (args: bool)", 2},
     { "set-log-backtrace",       pa_cli_command_log_backtrace,      "Show backtrace in log messages (args: frames)", 2},
-    { "dump-volumes",            pa_cli_command_dump_volumes,       NULL, 1 },
+    { "play-file",               pa_cli_command_play_file,          "Play a sound file (args: filename, sink|index)", 3},
+    { "dump",                    pa_cli_command_dump,               "Dump daemon configuration", 1},
+    { "dump-volumes",            pa_cli_command_dump_volumes,       "Debug: Show the state of all volumes", 1 },
+    { "shared",                  pa_cli_command_list_shared_props,  "Debug: Show shared properties", 1},
+    { "exit",                    pa_cli_command_exit,               "Terminate the daemon",         1 },
+    { "vacuum",                  pa_cli_command_vacuum,             NULL, 1},
     { NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 }

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