[pulseaudio-commits] src/pulsecore

Tanu Kaskinen tanuk at kemper.freedesktop.org
Fri Apr 25 05:07:33 PDT 2014

 src/pulsecore/core-util.c |   24 +++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit f2f5dffb1dcc4fd8481e58a686d088e4286441b0
Author: Alexander E. Patrakov <patrakov at gmail.com>
Date:   Sun Apr 20 21:58:19 2014 +0600

    core-util: Remove redundant check of directory permissions
    Initially (in commit ef422fa4ae626e9638ca70d1c56f27e701dd69c2),
    pa_make_secure_dir followed a simple principle: "make a directory, or,
    if it exists, check that it is suitable". Later this evolved into "make
    a directory, or, if it exists, ensure that it is suitable". But the
    check remained.
    The check is now neither sufficient nor necessary. On POSIX-compliant
    systems, the fstat results being checked are actually post-conditions of
    fchmod and fchown. And on systems implementing POSIX ACLs, fstat only
    reflects a part of the information relevant to the security of the
    directory permissions, so PulseAudio could accept an existing insecure
    directory anyway.
    Also, the check still fires on non-POSIX-compliant filesystems like CIFS.
    As a user cannot do anything to fix it, just accept insecure permissions
    in this case.

diff --git a/src/pulsecore/core-util.c b/src/pulsecore/core-util.c
index 3e2c615..afd872f 100644
--- a/src/pulsecore/core-util.c
+++ b/src/pulsecore/core-util.c
@@ -343,30 +343,16 @@ again:
-    (void) fchmod(fd, m);
+    if (fchmod(fd, m) < 0) {
+        pa_assert_se(pa_close(fd) >= 0);
+        goto fail;
+    };
     pa_assert_se(pa_close(fd) >= 0);
-#ifdef HAVE_LSTAT
-    if (lstat(dir, &st) < 0)
-    if (stat(dir, &st) < 0)
-        goto fail;
-#ifndef OS_IS_WIN32
-    if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) ||
-        (st.st_uid != uid) ||
-        (st.st_gid != gid) ||
-        ((st.st_mode & 0777) != m)) {
-        errno = EACCES;
-        goto fail;
-    }
-    pa_log_warn("Secure directory creation not supported on Win32.");
+    pa_log_warn("Secure directory creation not supported on this platform.");
     return 0;

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