[pulseaudio-discuss] PulseAudio on a Nokia device

Eitan Isaacson eitan at ascender.com
Mon Dec 3 17:55:01 PST 2007


I have been struggling for the past week to build PA packages for Maemo.
We all have an old n770 at home gathering dust right? There was  
recently a thread about a tiny sound server, i figure an older nokia  
device is perfect, fanless, low power and Linux.

I would like to permanently attach it to my stereo and have it be my  
primary sound server.

I am not able to get any coherent sound output from the device, just a  
lot of crackling, as if the sampling is waay off. I also tried the  
esound sink module, and it outputs audio about every other second.

I thought this might be an ARMv5 issue, because of Lennart's blog  
post, but I haven't had any luck with the n800 either.

The intermittent solution that I found for now is simply using the  
n770's esound server remotely, but this isn't perfect:
- The occasional skip.
- No A/V synch.
- Not Avahi browsable.

Anyone else struggling to get PA working on a Nokia device?


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