[pulseaudio-discuss] Direct freebob/ffado cards support

Colin Guthrie gmane at colin.guthr.ie
Wed Jan 9 01:36:17 PST 2008

Patrice Vetsel wrote:
> I'm the owner of an Edirol FA-66 supported under jack by freebob/ffado.
> Is there a way to directly use my card under pulseaudio without using
> jack ?
> Is there a freebob/ffado module for pulseaudio ?
> This feature is it planed ?

While I know nothing about this h/w this page:

says that the FFado driver supports the ALSA API, which, if true, means
that pulse can just sit on top of that....

You may have to tweak your ~/.asoundrc to create a "plugin" for the card
or something and then maybe tweak the default.pa to load a specific ALSA
PCM (e.g. the one you create for the plugin) rather than use HAL to
autodetect or similar).

I'm totally guessing above as I've not really looked at how the ffado
driver works in any way.


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