[pulseaudio-discuss] Multiple remote sinks

Svein Halvor Halvorsen svein.h at lvor.halvorsen.cc
Sat Jan 31 04:24:33 PST 2009

Colin Guthrie wrote:
> On each of the machines that you actually run stuff on (e.g. your 
> desktop) you want to run the mozule-zeroconf-discover module (you can 
> enable this via papref's "Make discovered network sinks available 
> locally" (or something like that!).
> This will add a new sink to your local pulseaudio that will be treated 
> just like another local sound card.

Using the local sink "tunnel.remote.local.output", which 
zeroconf-discover made available for me, I do get sound on the remote 
pulseaudio server, but it stutters for several seconds, and then the 
local pulseaudio server dies:

E: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally
E: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally
E: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally
E: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally
E: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally
E: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally
E: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally
E: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally
E: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally
E: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally
E: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally
E: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally
E: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally
E: asyncq.c: q overrun, queuing locally
Soft CPU time limit exhausted, terminating.
E: cpulimit.c: Received request to terminate due to CPU overload.


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