[pulseaudio-discuss] Remapped sinks: Descriptions and disadvantages?

Colin Guthrie gmane at colin.guthr.ie
Sat Jun 27 10:54:37 PDT 2009

'Twas brillig, and Timothy J Massey at 27/06/09 18:13 did gyre and gimble:
> Finally, my last question is this:  is there a way to control the actual 
> name and description given to the original sink?  Especially in the 
> short-term, I don't mind having to statically configure the devices in, 
> say, default.pa, even if that means I can't hot-plug new devices.  I would 
> certainly do this if there are CPU or quality advantages to not doing the 
> module-remap-sink.

Well the name you give it already via sink_name, but you can change the 
description which will be shown in pavucontrol via the sink_properties= 
argument to the module:
sink_properties="device.description='My Preferred Name'"

Sadly, while this should work, the combine module will automatically 
update it, instantly overwriting your customisation.

I think the attached patch should modify the module to work for you.

Please let me know if it works as I've not tested it :)



Colin Guthrie

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