[pulseaudio-discuss] equalizer for also and pulse audio server

Tanu Kaskinen tanuk at iki.fi
Tue May 5 04:10:18 PDT 2009

2009/5/5 Markus Feldmann <feldmann_markus at gmx.de>:
> Markus Feldmann schrieb:
>> doesn't say anything to me. I mean the values following after
>> ...control= 11.621622,10,4.594594,2.702703,...
>> Which value is for which frequency ?
>> What are the minimums and maximums ?

The frequencies are documented for example here:

> I installed jack and the needed jack plugin, so i think
> i should get the needed values for the control ?

Sorry, I don't understand the question.


I might announce it already: a working, although incomplete, graphical
EQ implementation is now available for PulseAudio. It consists of two
patches: one for pulseaudio-0.9.15 and one for pavucontrol-0.9.8.
Patched pulseaudio needs to be installed before compiling the patched


Starting next monday, I will have some time to try to finish and fix
the code so that it can be merged upstream. If you're eager to see
what's coming, feel free to try it out already.


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