[pulseaudio-discuss] [PATCH] profile-switcher: New module to switch card profiles based on roles

Lin, Mengdong mengdong.lin at intel.com
Tue Nov 1 02:24:11 PDT 2011

How about making profile switch more general?

1. When a card adds a new profile, add a property "intended roles" to the profile, same as what we do to a device:
  Add a line to proplist.h
  #define PA_PROP_DEVICE_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION     "device.profile. intended_roles"

  And change the API to create a profile:
  From pa_card_profile *pa_card_profile_new(const char *name, const char *description, size_t extra);
  To pa_card_profile *pa_card_profile_new(const char *name, pa_profile_new_data *data);
  The "pa_profile_new_data" structure can contain both a description and the intended roles property.

2. Then the module-device-switch can query the profile intended roles and select the best profile for a stream.

Is this doable? If yes, I can write a patch for it and change the Bluetooth device module to add "phone" property for "hsp" profile?
And for ALSA, we can just make a little update to use the new "pa_card_profile_new" for the moment.


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