[pulseaudio-discuss] "list-sinks" doesn't match "aplay -l"

Arun Raghavan arun.raghavan at collabora.co.uk
Wed Nov 30 01:22:37 PST 2011

On Tue, 2011-11-29 at 14:00 -0500, Cyrus Vafadari wrote:
> I'm trying to use a bunch of sundcards (8 usb + 4 hdmi + 1 mobo) to
> control different zones separately & combine them in cool ways.
> I'm having trouble getting pulse to recognize all of my soundcards'
> existence.
> aplay -l recognizes all 13 cards, as does "pacmd list-cards", but
> pulse only recognizes 10 of them (0-9). It seems to find them in the
> "pacmd dump", but not in list-sinks.
> "aplay -l", "pacmd list-sinks", pacmd list-cards", and "pacmd dump"
> are attached.

Looks like you're not subscribed to the list (I manually let this
through) -- possibly why your attachments didn't make it. Could you put
them up somewhere or resend?


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