[pulseaudio-discuss] Stream sound over network

Axel Braun axel.braun at gmx.de
Tue Dec 24 06:29:54 PST 2013


Am Dienstag, 24. Dezember 2013, 14:20:00 schrieb Daniel:
> Can you plese tell more about the use case? I guess it's not about having
> realtime sound effect from games or user interfaces, but more like playing
> music from Laptop to Android?

Similar: I want the sound-output from kaffeine - preferred, or another video 
player - streamed over the network.

> If that's the case, I have such a setup running. I start a null-sink where
> any application can send its audio to, then use darkice to grab it from
> null-sinks monitor and send it to an icecast running on localhost. Any
> other player (an MPD server, an Android with TuneIn App or anything else)
> can grab it from there and play it. I even use this to listen to my own
> musik on my smartphone while I am in my Work WiFi. For that I stream AAC+
> codec for extra low bandwidth.

I see. So the chain is <any appication on PulseAudio> -> darkice -> icecast -> 
client. Right?

> Of course latency is beyond good and evil, expect 5 to 8 seconds, depending
> on the buffer of your player and such.

Sounds not suitable to watch a movie....

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