[pulseaudio-discuss] Multiple ALSA output devices

Paul LeoNerd Evans leonerd at leonerd.org.uk
Sat Nov 23 09:45:42 PST 2013

ALSA on my laptop supports the default analog output port, and also
sound via HDMI.

If pulse starts when there is no HDMI device attached, it uses just the
analog output. If I then plug something in to HDMI it doesn't notice
this at all, refusing to use it. ALSA directly can work fine with it
though (e.g. mplayer -ao alsa:device=hw=0.3).

If now I restart pulse, it notices the HDMI port but fails additionally
to still have the analog port. It's not until I remove the HDMI device
entirely and restart pulse a second time that it stops using the HDMI
now and will work on the analog again.

Any way I can fix these two things?

 1) Have HDMI detected present/absent without restarting pulse

 2) Have both HDMI and analog outputs available

Paul "LeoNerd" Evans

leonerd at leonerd.org.uk
ICQ# 4135350       |  Registered Linux# 179460
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