[pulseaudio-discuss] Adding extra fds to the main loop

Laurențiu Nicola lnicola at dend.ro
Wed Jun 4 06:05:11 PDT 2014


I want to write a small application that reads some data from the
network and makes a few libpulse calls. I have some questions about the
PulseAudio non-threaded main loop.

1. Is there a way to add my fd to the PulseAudio main loop, so I can be
notified of any events? Would calling pa_mainloop_set_poll_func with a
function that copies the pollfd list and appends mine be the proper way
to do it?

2. Is pa_context reentrant in that I can have multiple operations
executing at the same time? If not, can a new operation be started
during the callback of a previous one, or must I wait for
pa_mainloop_dispatch() / pa_mainloop_iterate() to finish?


Laurentiu Nicola
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