[pulseaudio-discuss] [PATCH v2] core-util: Fail if XDG_RUNTIME_DIR belongs to someone else

Tanu Kaskinen tanu.kaskinen at linux.intel.com
Sun Sep 28 00:38:52 PDT 2014

Hi Glenn,

Sorry for the slow reply, I was on vacation this week.

On Sun, 2014-09-21 at 10:41 -0600, Glenn Golden wrote:
> Btw, if it's of any use to the project, attached is a heavily commented version
> of pa_context_connect(). That's what I'm using in the writeup as the basis
> for both a high-level description and a more detailed discussion. (That 
> commented version will be included in the writeup pretty much as-is.)
> If you or Tanu have time to look thru it and let me know if any of the
> commented understanding there is wrong, it would be greatly appreciated.

I only found one instance where the understanding was somewhat wrong: in
the end, there's this comment:

    // Now, via try_next_connection() [which AFAICT, despite its name, really tries *all*
    // entries in c->server_list, not just the "next" one]. It attempts a connect to
    // each server mentioned in server_list, and returns in error only if all the
    // attempts fail.
    pa_log_debug("GDG: server_list: %s", pa_strlist_tostring(c->server_list));
    pa_context_set_state(c, PA_CONTEXT_CONNECTING);
    r = try_next_connection(c);

try_next_connection() doesn't necessarily try all entries in
server_list. It processes more than one entry if the connection attempt
fails immediately, but it's also possible that the connection fails at a
later time. In that case, the try_next_connection() call in
pa_context_connect() returns indicating success, and later, when the
error happens, try_next_connection() is called again to try the next
server entry.


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