Hi chaps,<br><br>I am trying to build a demo for a handsfree unit (HFU) in a car. The HFU connects via Bluetooth to a mobile phone (the audio gateway or AG in Bluetooth speak). I could then play music on the mobile phone and hear it on the car's speakers. The HFU would also take over the phone functionality. I could talk over a microphone in the HFU and hear the other person talking over the car speakers. <br>
<br>The HFU will run on Linux. I use pulseaudio v0.9.19 as a mediator between my app and the Bluetooth audio device.<br><br>Does pulseaudio support this scenario, where the Bluetooth device acts as a source? <br><br>Actually, I think that the Bluetooth device would have to act both as a source and a sink (the caller and the callee). Right?<br>
<br>Page <a href="http://pulseaudio.org/wiki/Modules#module-bluetooth-sink">http://pulseaudio.org/wiki/Modules#module-bluetooth-sink</a> indicates that Bluetooth sources will only be supported in the future. Are they supported in v0.9.20 or newer?<br>