Hallo,<br><br>I am building a whole home audio solution with a central server that has several mpd instances connected each to a pulseaudo null sink and all those null sinks have their corrosponding RTP sender and use different multicast IP adresses (parameter "sap_address"). <br>
<br>I have then multiple receiving units throughout my house and with them i "tune" to the different rtp streams coming from the sender. Of course I want to tune more than one receiver to the same RTP stream so I listen to the same music in multiple rooms. Since those rooms are adjacent to each other it is vital that the audio is in sync, otherwise I have echoes or even larger lags which is very annoying.<br>
<br>As far as I understood the pulseaudio rtp implementation, those receivers SHOULD be automatically in sync. I have an ntp daemon running on all receivers and their sync to an ntp daemon running on the server. I have manually checked clock sync and as far as NTP precision goes, the clocks of all hosts (both sender and receivers) are in perfect sync.<br>
<br>BUT, the sound is not. I have lags of up to 1-2 seconds. Everytime i restart the pulseaudio daemon on a receiver the sync lag is different. Sometimes it is in very good sync but then it looses sync over time.<br><br>
Is there any way of debugging/tuning this? The logoutputs of the sender and receivers look "normal" so they tell about rate adjustments all the time but I understand this is the way how it just works.<br>