> Thanks, Georg, that was a good suggestion. Here is how I got it to work:<br>
> * removed all traces of my pulseaudio-5.0 installation<br>
> * installed a 32-bit slackware 14.1 VM<br>
> * downloaded json-c, speex and pulseaudio-6.0<br>
> * build 32-bit slackware packages for for each on the 32-bit VM<br>
> * installed the 32-bit slackware packages for each of the three packages on the 64-bt Slack install<br>
> * copied extra-hdmi.conf into /usr/share/pulseaudio/alsa-mixer/profile-sets<br>
> * started pulseaudio -D<br>
> * restarted skype, voila, it worked!</p>
<p>If you still need to copy extra-hdmi.conf, this mean that your udev daemon still not reload the new 90-pulseaudio.rules</p>
<p>Those steps in </p>
<p><a href="http://colin.guthr.ie/2010/09/compiling-and-running-pulseaudio-from-git/">http://colin.guthr.ie/2010/09/compiling-and-running-pulseaudio-from-git/</a></p>
<p>no longer work </p>