>> Do you mean mic capture volume always reset to maximum by driver or pulseaudio ? <br>
> No<br>
>> pactl list sources<br>
> <a href="http://pastebin.com/Dd0XLamN">http://pastebin.com/Dd0XLamN</a></p>
<p>Your output did not include source usb audio input </p>
<p>Do you mean your usb audio are not default source ?</p>
<p>What is the default source ? alc892 analong input, alc892 output monitor, usb output monitor or usb analog input </p>
<p>> I'm using 4.1 mode, since 2.1 is not working properly yet</p>
<p>What do you mean "not working properly" ?</p>
<p>Are you complie and run from git ?</p>
>> Why do write_to_hw change to false if you capture volume control have dB scale ?<br>
> I have no idea about this and following questions. There is something wrong, but I have no idea what.</p>
<p> when pulseaudio did not find dB scale or user specify ignore dB scale , pulseaudio just set volume to maximum and use software volume</p>
<p>It use snd_mixer_elem_set_capture_volume instead of snd_mixer_elem_s et_capture_dB </p>