ChangeLogging commits to CVS

Egbert Eich eich at
Tue Dec 14 01:33:18 PST 2004

More or less by accident I came across commits to the X.Org 
tree that have not been properly ChangeLogged.

When we created this repository we made a - yet unwritten - rule
that every commit (maybe with the exception of simple typo fixes)
need to be ChangeLogged properly in the topmost ChangeLog file.

This is to ensure we can easily track changes to the tree back to
when they took place and who made them. CVS itself is file oriented
so it is difficult to track which changes went into the tree as
a whole.

Furthermore the text added to ChangeLog file should also go into 
the log of the commit itself.

To simplify the generation of the ChangeLog entry we use a perl 
script which I will append to this message.
It can be run in the topmost (xc/) directory and will create a 
properly formatted entry. The only thing that remains to do is
to add a brief description about the nature and the purpose of
the change. 
The verbosity of this description is pretty much up to everyones 
personal taste, please take the descriptions of other commits
as a general guideline.

So far we have not added any check script that enforces this rule 
but we may have to do this in the future.

It would be best if all changes that have been applied without
proplery ChangeLogging would get reverted (again without modifying
the ChangeLog) and reapplied this time with a poper entry to the

[A description of the commit procedures should go into the X.Org 
wiki and I will add this once the machine is not as slow as it 
is right now.]


-------------- next part --------------
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2  -*-

# Perl script to create a ChangeLog entry with names of files
# and functions from a cvs diff.
# Darin Adler <darin at>, started 20 April 2000
# Java support added by Maciej Stachowiak <mjs at>
# last updated 16 July 2001
# (Someone put a license in here, like maybe GPL.)
#   For new files, just say "New file" instead of listing
#     function names.
#   List functions that have been removed too.
#   Decide what a good logical order is for the changed files
#     other than a normal text "sort" (top level first?)
#     (group directories?) (.h before .c?)
#   Leave a diff file behind if asked, but in unified format.
#   Handle C++ and yacc source files too (other languages?).
#   Help merge when there are ChangeLog conflicts or if there's
#     already a partly written ChangeLog entry.
#   Add command line option to put the ChangeLog into a separate
#     file or just spew it out stdout.
#   Figure out how to allow -z options from .cvsrc to work without
#     letting other bad options work. Currently the -f disables
#     everything from the .cvsrc.
#   Add CVS version numbers for each file too (can't do that until
#     the changes are checked in, though).
#   Work around diff stupidity where deleting a function that starts
#     with a comment makes diff think that the following function
#     has been changed (if the following function starts with a comment
#     with the same first line, such as /**)
#   Work around diff stupidity where deleting an entire function and
#     the blank lines before it makes diff think you've changed the
#     previous function.

use diagnostics;
use strict;

use English;
use Text::Wrap;

# For each file, build a list of modified lines.
# Use line numbers from the "after" side of each diff.
print STDERR "  Running cvs diff to find changes.\n";
my %changed_line_ranges;
my $file;
open DIFF, "cvs -fq diff -N |" or die "The cvs diff failed: $OS_ERROR.\n";
while (<DIFF>)
    $file = $1 if /^Index: (\S+)$/;
    if (defined $file
        and $file ne "ChangeLog"
        and (/^\d+(,\d+)?[acd](\d+)(,(\d+))?/ or /^Binary files/) )
        push @{$changed_line_ranges{$file}}, [ $2, $4 || $2 ];
close DIFF;
if (!%changed_line_ranges)
    print STDERR "  No changes found.\n";

# For each ".c" file, convert line range to function list.
print STDERR "  Extracting affected function names from C source files.\n";
my %function_lists;
foreach my $file (keys %changed_line_ranges)
    # An empty function list still indicates that something changed.
    $function_lists{$file} = "";

    # Only look for function names in .c files.
    next unless $file =~ /\.(c|java)/;

    # Find all the functions in the file.
    open SOURCE, $file or next;
    my @function_ranges = get_function_line_ranges(\*SOURCE, $file);
    close SOURCE;

    # Find all the modified functions.
    my @functions;
    my %saw_function;
    my @change_ranges = (@{$changed_line_ranges{$file}}, []);
    my @change_range = (0, 0);
    FUNCTION: foreach my $function_range_ref (@function_ranges)
        my @function_range = @$function_range_ref;

        # Advance to successive change ranges.
        for (;; @change_range = @{shift @change_ranges})
            last FUNCTION unless @change_range;

            # If past this function, move on to the next one.
            next FUNCTION if $change_range[0] > $function_range[1];

            # If an overlap with this function range, record the function name.
            if ($change_range[1] >= $function_range[0]
                and $change_range[0] <= $function_range[1])
                if (!$saw_function{$function_range[2]})
                    $saw_function{$function_range[2]} = 1;
                    push @functions, $function_range[2];
                next FUNCTION;

    # Format the list of functions now.
    $function_lists{$file} = " (" . join("), (", @functions) . "):" if @functions;

# Get some pieces of the ChangeLog we are about to write.
my $date = sprintf "%d-%02d-%02d",
  1900 + (localtime $BASETIME)[5], # year
  1 + (localtime $BASETIME)[4], # month
  (localtime $BASETIME)[3]; # day within month
my $name = $ENV{CHANGE_LOG_NAME}
  || (getpwuid $REAL_USER_ID)[6]
  || "set REAL_NAME environment variable";
my $email_address = $ENV{CHANGE_LOG_EMAIL_ADDRESS}
  || "set EMAIL_ADDRESS environment variable";

# Find the change logs.
my %has_log;
my %files;
foreach my $file (sort keys %function_lists)
    my $prefix = $file;
    my $has_log = 0;
    while ($prefix)
        $prefix =~ s-/[^/]+/?$-/- or $prefix = "";
        $has_log = $has_log{$prefix};
        if (!defined $has_log)
            $has_log = -f "${prefix}ChangeLog";
            $has_log{$prefix} = $has_log;
        last if $has_log;
    if (!$has_log)
        print STDERR "No ChangeLog found for $file.\n";
        push @{$files{$prefix}}, $file;

# Get the latest ChangeLog files from cvs.
my $logs = "";
foreach my $prefix (sort keys %files)
    $logs .= " ${prefix}ChangeLog";
if ($logs)
    print STDERR "  Updating ChangeLog files from cvs repository.\n";
    open ERRORS, "cvs update$logs |" or die "The cvs update of ChangeLog files failed: $OS_ERROR.\n";
    print STDERR "    $ARG" while <ERRORS>;
    close ERRORS;

# Write out a new ChangeLog file.
foreach my $prefix (sort keys %files)
    print STDERR "  Editing the ${prefix}ChangeLog file.\n";
    open OLD_CHANGE_LOG, "${prefix}ChangeLog" or die "Could not open ${prefix}ChangeLog file: $OS_ERROR.\n";
    # It's less efficient to read the whole thing into memory than it would be
    # to read it while we prepend to it later, but I like doing this part first.
    my @old_change_log = <OLD_CHANGE_LOG>;
    close OLD_CHANGE_LOG;
    open CHANGE_LOG, "> ${prefix}ChangeLog" or die "Could not write ${prefix}ChangeLog\n.";
    print CHANGE_LOG "$date  $name  <$email_address>\n\n";
    print CHANGE_LOG "\treviewed by: <delete if not using a buddy>\n\n";
    foreach my $file (sort @{$files{$prefix}})
        my $file_stem = substr $file, length $prefix;
        my $lines = wrap("\t", "\t", "XX$file_stem:$function_lists{$file}");
        $lines =~ s/^\tXX/\t* /;
        print CHANGE_LOG "$lines\n";
    print CHANGE_LOG "\n", @old_change_log;
    close CHANGE_LOG;
    print STDERR "  Done editing ${prefix}ChangeLog.\n";

# Done.

sub get_function_line_ranges
    my ($file_handle, $file_name) = @_;

    if ($file_name =~ /\.c$/) {
        return get_function_line_ranges_for_c ($file_handle, $file_name);
    } elsif ($file_name =~ /\.java$/) {
        return get_function_line_ranges_for_java ($file_handle, $file_name);
    return ();

# Read a file and get all the line ranges of the things that look like C functions.
# A function name is the last word before an open parenthesis before the outer
# level open brace. A function starts at the first character after the last close
# brace or semicolon before the function name and ends at the close brace.
# Comment handling is simple-minded but will work for all but pathological cases.
# Result is a list of triples: [ start_line, end_line, function_name ].

sub get_function_line_ranges_for_c
    my ($file_handle, $file_name) = @_;

    my @ranges;

    my $in_comment = 0;
    my $in_macro = 0;
    my $in_parentheses = 0;
    my $in_braces = 0;

    my $word = "";

    my $potential_start = 0;
    my $potential_name = "";

    my $start = 0;
    my $name = "";

    while (<$file_handle>)
        # Handle continued multi-line comment.
        if ($in_comment)
            next unless s-.*\*/--;
            $in_comment = 0;

        # Handle continued macro.
        if ($in_macro)
            $in_macro = 0 unless /\\$/;

        # Handle start of macro (or any preprocessor directive).
        if (/^\s*\#/)
            $in_macro = 1 if /^([^\\]|\\.)*\\$/;

        # Handle comments and quoted text.
        while (m-(/\*|//|\'|\")-) # \' and \" keep emacs perl mode happy
            my $match = $1;
            if ($match eq "/*")
                if (!s-/\*.*?\*/--)
                    $in_comment = 1;
            elsif ($match eq "//")
            else # ' or "
                if (!s-$match([^\\]|\\.)*?$match--)
                    warn "mismatched quotes at line $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER in $file_name\n";

        # Find function names.
        while (m-(\w+|[(){};])-g)
            # Open parenthesis.
            if ($1 eq "(")
                $potential_name = $word unless $in_parentheses;

            # Close parenthesis.
            if ($1 eq ")")

            # Open brace.
            if ($1 eq "{")
                # Promote potiential name to real function name at the
                # start of the outer level set of braces (function body?).
                if (!$in_braces and $potential_start)
                    $start = $potential_start;
                    $name = $potential_name;


            # Close brace.
            if ($1 eq "}")

                # End of an outer level set of braces.
                # This could be a function body.
                if (!$in_braces and $name)
                    push @ranges, [ $start, $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER, $name ];
                    $name = "";

                $potential_start = 0;
                $potential_name = "";

            # Semicolon.
            if ($1 eq ";")
                $potential_start = 0;
                $potential_name = "";

            # Word.
            $word = $1;
            if (!$in_parentheses)
                $potential_start = 0;
                $potential_name = "";
            if (!$potential_start)
                $potential_start = $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER;
                $potential_name = "";

    warn "mismatched braces in $file_name\n" if $in_braces;
    warn "mismatched parentheses in $file_name\n" if $in_parentheses;

    return @ranges;

# Read a file and get all the line ranges of the things that look like Java
# classes, interfaces and methods.
# A class or interface name is the word that immediately follows
# `class' or `interface' when followed by an open curly brace and not
# a semicolon. It can appear at the top level, or inside another class
# or interface block, but not inside a function block
# A class or interface starts at the first character after the first close
# brace or after the function name and ends at the close brace.
# A function name is the last word before an open parenthesis before
# an open brace rather than a semicolon. It can appear at top level or
# inside a class or interface block, but not inside a function block.
# A function starts at the first character after the first close
# brace or after the function name and ends at the close brace.
# Comment handling is simple-minded but will work for all but pathological cases.
# Result is a list of triples: [ start_line, end_line, function_name ].

sub get_function_line_ranges_for_java
    my ($file_handle, $file_name) = @_;

    my @current_scopes;

    my @ranges;

    my $in_comment = 0;
    my $in_macro = 0;
    my $in_parentheses = 0;
    my $in_braces = 0;
    my $in_non_block_braces = 0;
    my $class_or_interface_just_seen = 0;

    my $word = "";

    my $potential_start = 0;
    my $potential_name = "";
    my $potential_name_is_class_or_interface = 0;

    my $start = 0;
    my $name = "";
    my $current_name_is_class_or_interface = 0;

    while (<$file_handle>)
        # Handle continued multi-line comment.
        if ($in_comment)
            next unless s-.*\*/--;
            $in_comment = 0;

        # Handle continued macro.
        if ($in_macro)
            $in_macro = 0 unless /\\$/;

        # Handle start of macro (or any preprocessor directive).
        if (/^\s*\#/)
            $in_macro = 1 if /^([^\\]|\\.)*\\$/;

        # Handle comments and quoted text.
        while (m-(/\*|//|\'|\")-) # \' and \" keep emacs perl mode happy
            my $match = $1;
            if ($match eq "/*")
                if (!s-/\*.*?\*/--)
                    $in_comment = 1;
            elsif ($match eq "//")
            else # ' or "
                if (!s-$match([^\\]|\\.)*?$match--)
                    warn "mismatched quotes at line $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER in $file_name\n";

        # Find function names.
        while (m-(\w+|[(){};])-g)
            # Open parenthesis.
            if ($1 eq "(")
                if (!$in_parentheses) {
                    $potential_name = $word;
                    $potential_name_is_class_or_interface = 0;

            # Close parenthesis.
            if ($1 eq ")")

            # Open brace.
            if ($1 eq "{")
                # Promote potiential name to real function name at the
                # start of the outer level set of braces (function/class/interface body?).
                if (!$in_non_block_braces
                    and (!$in_braces or $current_name_is_class_or_interface)
                    and $potential_start)
                    if ($name)
                          push @ranges, [ $start, ($INPUT_LINE_NUMBER - 1),
                                          join ('.', @current_scopes) ];

                    $current_name_is_class_or_interface = $potential_name_is_class_or_interface;

                    $start = $potential_start;
                    $name = $potential_name;

                    push (@current_scopes, $name);
                  } else {

                $potential_name = "";
                $potential_start = 0;


            # Close brace.
            if ($1 eq "}")

                # End of an outer level set of braces.
                # This could be a function body.
                if (!$in_non_block_braces)
                    if ($name)
                        push @ranges, [ $start, $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER,
                                        join ('.', @current_scopes) ];

                        pop (@current_scopes);

                        if (@current_scopes)
                            $current_name_is_class_or_interface = 1;

                            $start = $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER + 1;
                            $name =  $current_scopes[$#current_scopes-1];
                            $current_name_is_class_or_interface = 0;
                            $start = 0;
                            $name =  "";
                    $in_non_block_braces-- if $in_non_block_braces;

                $potential_start = 0;
                $potential_name = "";

            # Semicolon.
            if ($1 eq ";")
                $potential_start = 0;
                $potential_name = "";

            if ($1 eq "class" or $1 eq "interface")
                $class_or_interface_just_seen = 1;

            # Word.
            $word = $1;
            if (!$in_parentheses)
                if ($class_or_interface_just_seen) {
                    $potential_name = $word;
                    $potential_start = $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER;
                    $class_or_interface_just_seen = 0;
                    $potential_name_is_class_or_interface = 1;
            if (!$potential_start)
                $potential_start = $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER;
                $potential_name = "";
            $class_or_interface_just_seen = 0;

    warn "mismatched braces in $file_name\n" if $in_braces;
    warn "mismatched parentheses in $file_name\n" if $in_parentheses;

    return @ranges;

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